The None Complicated Day with Max

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Magnus Pov- I watched Alec as he moved around the apartment grabbed some toys, stuffed animals, and snacks that we bought for Max. He was practically bouncing on his heels with excitement.

"Alexander I know you're excited but maybe you really should calm down. You don't want to get over excited and scare Max."

Alec looked at me smiling "I can't help it Magnus. I can't hold down my excitement of finally getting to spend some time with Max. I haven't seen him since he was taken from me. That was three months ago."

"Don't forget that Sebastian Verlac will be there watching us the whole time. He'll be taking notes on the way Max reacts around us."

Alec nodded, looking slightly less excited "yes... I know."

"Do you still not like Sebastian" I asked leaning on the wall, watching him.

"He just... something about him just doesn't sit right with me. When he smiles at me I feel... I just don't feel comfortable around him. I'm ignoring that though because this day isn't about me, it's about Max."

"Do you think we will be able to call him Max? They have him named James so we might have to call him that so he won't be confused."

Alec rolled his eyes at this "I don't see why they just couldn't call him Max. If he gets called James too much, then he won't know his real name."

I smiled watching him as he tried to stuff all of Max's stuff into a bag "well the foster parents he's with will also be there. Maybe we can talk them into calling him Max."

"Will they really do that when there's no guarantee that we will be the ones adopting him?"

"They could if we make them like us enough. We just got to try hard."

Alec finally managed to fit all of Max's stuff in the bag somehow, before smiling at me "Today's going to be an amazing day."

I nodded grabbing his hand, kissing it before walking out of the apartment with him.

When we got to the adoption agency we were directed to a cute room with a soft blue carpet, a white wall with jungle animals painted on it, and toys galore.

"Wow this is a children's paradise" I said looking around me.

"We try to make kids feel at ease in this room. Meeting your potential parent is stressful on the older ones and we like to take some of the pressure off" Sebastian Verlac said, walking into the room.

I smiled at him when he came in and shook his hand once he was next to us. "Thank you so much for approving us for this playdate."

He nodded smiling "of course. It's the next step in the adoption process so we need to see how the child feels about you. I understand it can take some time for him to get used to you and this one playdate can't really tell me much. Still, multiple playdates will help a lot."

I nodded smiling "Alec and I appreciate it. Don't we Alec" I asked looking back at him. I frowned when I noticed that Alec was standing super close to me, slightly behind me, and he was avoiding looking at Sebastian.

Alec told me that he doesn't have a good feeling about Sebastian. He thinks somethings up with him but he has to be paranoid. Sebastian seemed like a nice guy and he was even nice enough to move the process along. Meeting the child like this wouldn't normally happen till much, much later.

Sebastian looked at Alec smiling "Are you okay Alec? You look like you could use a cup of coffee. I'll go get us some to drink while we wait for the foster parents to get here."

"That would be great thanks" I said watching him leave. Once he was gone I turned to Alec "what is your problem? You are going to insult our social worker."

It's Still Complicated (a Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now