Complicated Changes

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It's Complicated Chapter Thirteen- Complicated Changes.

Alec Pov- "I can't believe the day is finally here. I feel like I’m going to throw up, maybe pass out? Actually no, I think I’m going to do both at the same time," I said pacing the room.

Magnus shook his head watching me from the couch. "I know you are excited Alec, but try to calm down a little bit. They will be here any minute and I'm sure they won't appreciate there being a hole in the floor from you pacing."

I moved over to the couch sitting next to Magnus and grabbing his hand. "I can't help it Magnus. Max is finally able to come home and live with us. We have waited so long for this day and it's finally here."

It's been three months since Sebastian has gone missing. We met our new case worker Vincent and he was much nicer. Of course, I knew he was really one of Raphael's men undercover, so I didn't have a reason to worry.

Magnus assumed that since we had a new case worker it meant we would have to start the process all over again. I assumed we would have some set backs but I never imagined we would be able to bring Max home in as little as three months.

The moment Magnus and I got the call we started preparing for his arrival. We turned Magnus's office into Max's bedroom and filled it with a toddler bed and a whole chest of toys. We even bought him more stuffed wolves since he loved the one we got him before.

There was a knock on the door and my heart stopped, panic immediately taking me over.

"This is it" Magnus gushed going to stand up but I squeezed his hand, stopping him. He looked back down at me, his eyes catching mine.

"Magnus... what if we mess up? What if he doesn't like being with us," I whispered softly.

Magnus smiled sweetly before sitting back down and cupping my face in his hands. "You Alexander are going to be an amazing dad. It may be difficult at first but we know what we are doing. We will avoid all the things our parents did with us and show Max all the love in the world. He couldn't possibly hate being with us."

I took in his words calming down slightly. He was right. We have had months of prepping for this moment. There was no way I was going to chicken out now.

I nodded smiling, standing and squeezing Magnus's hand. "Let's go welcome our son home."

Magnus smiled, giving me a quick kiss before going to answer the door.

Vincent Garson was a handsome man. He must have been related to Raphael because he had the same black hair and brown eyes as him. They almost looked like twins though there were slight differences. Magnus once pointed out the similarities between the two but I just laughed it off and told him he was crazy.

Now the man in question was standing at the door holding our sleeping son in his arms.

Wow... our son. It feels so good to be able to say that. Once Magnus and I sign the papers, that boy will officially be Max Michael Lightwood-Bane.

"Welcome Mr. Garson, I hope traffic wasn't too bad on the way here" Magnus said letting him in.

Max's foster parents lived across town and with traffic, it could take as long as an hour to get to Brooklyn.

It's Still Complicated (a Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now