Magnus's Complicated Decision

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Magnus Pov- I stood next to our bed watching as Alec had his back turned to me. It has been three days since I called Child Services and got the baby taken away. He hasn't spoken a word to me or moved from this spot once since that night. "Alexander you have to talk to me at some point."

He just stayed silent not moving an inch. "Come on Alec you can't stay mad at me forever. The baby wasn't yours to take even if the mother gave him to you. You could have been arrested for kidnapping."

Again silence. Alec has been mad at me many times for many reasons but he has never given me cold shoulder this bad. "right... well I'm going to lunch with friends. Isabelle is in the living room to keep an eye on you."

I was hoping he would at least stop shunning me long enough to tell me he didn't need a babysitter but I still ended up getting nothing. "okay... well I'm heading out then. Text me if you need anything." I watched him a few seconds longer before walking out, closing the door behind me.

"Did he talk to you today" Isabelle asked walking up to me. I shook my head no moving over to the couch to grab my jacket hanging over the back. Isabelle frowned sitting on the couch "Magnus, Alec knows how to hold a grudge. He stopped talking to Jace and I for a year and a half." "I can't handle a year and a half of seeing his back to me."

She shrugged frowning at me "why did you have to call Childs Services? You could have sat Alec down and calmly talked to him about putting the baby in the system." I put on my jacket sighing "I tried to talk to him but he was so excited and wasn't really listening to me." "You could have kept the child for at least one night and tried to talk to him in the morning."

I sighed again, heading to the door "you saw him that night Isabelle. There was no talking him out of it." I looked at her "does he talk to you and Jace?" She nodded "yes... well actually he sits there and curses at you in Spanish. I guess he learned it from Raphael."

"Right. Well I'm late for lunch with my friends so while I'm gone I would appreciate it if you could try to talk Alec into speaking to me. I don't care if he screams at me in Spanish, English, whatever. I just want to hear his voice again and have him forgive me." She shrugged "I'll do what I can but I may not be able to do much."

I nodded and walked out heading to Catarina's house. Every Sunday my friends and I get together for lunch switching which home we do it at every week. This week was supposed to be at my place but with how Alec's been feeling I decided against it.

I walked into Catarina's house where she, Ragnor, Tessa, Will and Jem were sitting in her living room talking to each other. The moment I walked in they all went deadly quiet, looking at me. "Um... hey sorry I'm late. Why are you all so quiet?"

Catarina moved over on the couch and made a spot between her and Ragnor "have a seat Magnus." I looked around at everyone confused before walking over to the couch and sitting where she told me to. "What is this all about?" "Magnus we heard about the child Alec saved at the party the other night."

I frowned looking at her "what about it?" Ragnor looked at me "I for one am against everything about to be brought up here today. I don't think you should have a child ever but the others disagree." "Well actually-" I started saying but Tessa cut me off "I think Magnus would make an amazing dad."

"It's true Magnus has taken great care of Tessa, Jem and I" Will said putting his arm around Tessa. "The thing about the baby is-" I was cut off again this time by Ragnor. "Oh please, Magnus is immature and has no experience with children. Raising a child is harder than dealing with a boy who acts like a child."

I opened my mouth to speak but Catarina spoke first "Magnus we are all here for support. We will help you as much as you need with the child if you need it. I would have liked you to get married before having a child but this might help both you and Alec head down a good path." "We didn't keep the baby" I said loudly before anyone else could interrupt me.

It's Still Complicated (a Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now