5. Beach - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"No. Stay awake. The beach is only like... 3 hours away..." Louis mumbles. I giggled and leant on him as I left a note for Dad and walked outside. "Ever wondered what it would be like to walk on the moon?" Louis asked randomly.

"No, Louis. Now please let me sleep. I got to sleep at 2 this morning." I told him as I sat down comfortably next to Harry in the Combi van. Yeah, he had a combi van. But every directioner knows that. I lay my head on Harry's shoulder and drifted off again.


I was woken up by angelic voices filling the car. I opened my eyes slightly to see the boys singing along to One Thing by... Well, by them. I listened carefully as the boys sung the last chorus, finally realising they loved singing more then they let on. And they let on that they loved singing a lot.

"So get out, get out, get out of my head

and fall into my arms instead.

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is,

But I need that One Thing.

So, get out, get out, get out of my mind,

and come on, come into my life.

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is,

But I need that One Thing

And you've got that, One Thing."

I smiled and clapped, scaring the shit out of all of them. The all turned to me except Louis, who was straightening the car out from swerving. I didn't realise I was that scary. "That was awesome." I told them truthfully. They all shifted uncomfortably but smiled. I didn't know they were uncomfortable about singing in front of me... "Something wrong boys?" I asked.

"Oh it's nothing, really. It's just... We wanted you to know us, remember? Not the famous us." Liam replied. I nodded and leaned forward to ruffle his hair in the front seat, smiling cheekily.

"Aw Li! I do know the real you! I know the famous you, but he isn't as important and the real you!" I told him. He smiled and reached up to his hair to give my hand a quick squeeze before swatting it away.

"Shut it, Lil." He winked back at me. Rolling my eyes I noticed we were now near Central Beach. How many people are going to be there? Liam saw my eyes and smiled. "Don't worry, Lily. We know a private part of the beach. It'll be fun!" Liam assured me. I nodded quickly and smiled. No time for panic, Lily, you're already here.

As soon as Louis parked the car away from the rest of the cars, we were out and grabbing the stuff from the back of the van to take to this 'private part of the beach'. Keeping our heads down, we made our way over to this forest part on the far left of the beach. Once we'd reached the forest and we were in the dense bushes the boys started laughing and pushing each other around, like boys do. I watched Louis carefully as he started chasing a pigeon through the trees. Even doing that he looked attractive.

I had to remind myself to watch my feet as we walked through the trees because I kept on tripping over roots that were sticking out of the ground. Eventually the boys stopped talking and I looked up from my feet to see a secluded beach about 2 metres away from us. Instantaneously I ran forward, tagging Louis' shoulder on the way. "YOU'RE IT!" I screamed before running off. I heard some laughs behind me then yelling. I turned around and saw Louis running after Harry.

"No Louis!" Harry yelled. "Don't mess the curls!" He screamed as Louis pounced on him and ran his hands through the younger boy's curls. I giggled then felt someone's hands grip my shoulders. Screaming, I turned around to see Zayn holding me.

"Hi!" I smiled and he grinned evilly. "You swimming?" I asked, grinning meanly. I knew Zayn didn't swim... Scratch that, I knew he couldn't.

His face paled and he let me go. "I-I.. Uh... No..." He admitted. I laughed and shoved his shoulder softly. "What?" He asked.

"I know you can't swim you twat. I was just being mean." I told him, trying to sound English. He nodded and turned away, walking over to Liam. Okay, some boys just have problems. "I'm going for a swim!" I shouted at no one before quickly pulling my top off and shimming out of my shorts. Sprinting into the water I nearly gasped at how cold it was, but eventually I just dunked myself under and got used to the cold water. I stood up and wiped the excess water off my face before turning and seeing Louis standing there smirking at me.

"Let's play a game..." He demanded, walking closer to me, not caring about the waves that crashed into him.

"What game?" I asked, warily. He smiled evilly.

"One where I attack you, and you scream." He told me, before pouncing and grabbing me around the waist. I screamed as he lifted me over his shoulder. "See, I told you it was a game!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Louis! Let me down! Louis!" I kept screaming. Naturally he just kept walking towards shore. "Louis!" I cried one last time, kicking him in the... Well, I kicked him in the balls... He quickly dropped me, letting me fall head-first into the waves. I did a summersault thing and ended up with a nose full of sea water. Standing up, I turned around to see Louis on the ground in the shallow water, holding his 'parts' and groaning. "Sorry Lou. You were warned..." I told him before stepping over him and walking off.


Later on, the boys and I were just sitting and enjoying the sun. Well, except Louis and Niall. They were kicking the soc- I mean football around on the sand. Behind my sunnies I was secretly watching as Louis' muscles rippled when his hands shot up in the air in victory. I felt my cheeks warm a little and mentally pushed the blush away. No time to blush at Louis' hotness, Lily!

"So... Lily..." I heard someone say. I turned my head to the side to see Liam sitting with Harry, holding a guitar. I thought he was going to say something about Louis, but he surprised me by handing me the old guitar and smiling. "Can you sing, Lily?" He asked randomly.

I'd heard from the few people I'd sung in front of that I could sing really well. But I'd never really had the guts to sing in front of LOTS of people. Or someone famous... Let alone 5 really hot famous boys that just happened to be extremely famous singers...

"Um... No..." I lied. Liam snorted and I sighed. "Well... I've heard I can... But I don't want to." I admitted. He rolled his eyes.

"Can you play the guitar?" He asked. I nodded slowly and he smirked. "Sing for us, Lily." He ordered. I quickly looked around to see Louis and Niall had joined the other three boys and were now waiting for me to sing. I opened my mouth to protest, but nothing came out.

"Come on Lils. It's not that hard. Just sing. We won't judge." Louis informed me. I bit my lip and looked down at the guitar.

I was so going to regret this!

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