37- An Alliance and a Phone Call (/)

Start from the beginning

He holds his hands up defensively. "I didn't tell them anything. They used me."

"Used you how?" Loki demands. 

Peter and I exchange looks. I do my best to look pitiful. This might be the moment that Peter decides once and for all whose side he is really on. Having Loki be hard on me right now might actually not be such a bad thing at the moment. It might persuade kind-hearted Peter. 

Taking a deep breath, Peter says, "They asked questions. I accidentally told them. It was my fault."

Ah, so Peter isn't ratting us out. Interesting.

Loki looks from Peter to me several times, both of us putting on our most innocent expressions. Finally, Loki curses and then sweeps out of the vicinity, not before shooting me a particularly nasty look. 

The door bangs shut.

At this precise moment, Max and Jack come back, Max looking stormy if not slightly proud, and Jack looking exceedingly pleased with himself. After punching my arm gently, Max follows in the room that Loki just vanished into. 

Seeing Peter's and my faces, Jack says, "...What happened?"

I take charge and explain, giving Jack a very obvious look that clearly says, "We need to know for sure if we can trust him." Peter could potentially be extremely helpful.

As it turns out, Peter is ahead of me. "I know that the two of you want to trust me, but you don't want to at the same time. Let me put it this way. I'm really a kid too- don't use that against me later, guys- and I know what it's like to be kept in the dark. Plus, this isn't really my fight. It's Thea's. I should be helping you."

It's a pretty speech, but I'm still hesitant, as is Jack. 

"Technically, it's the world's fight too," points out Jack. "What are you going to do when you're faced with the decision of helping Thea or helping the world?"

Peter looks at me. "I'll make my choice when the circumstances arise."

Jack and I glance at each other.

"Look, I've been working on a decryption program," says Peter, gesturing towards the computer screen. "It downloads all of SHIELD's and other individuals of interests' files pertaining to certain key words. It also breaks into web and audio cameras."

Jack and I do our best not to look particularly interested. 

"Using this, the three of us can be ahead of the quote-on-quote 'adults'. I can't be certain, but you two aren't exactly the sort that I'd label as 'rule followers'."

The 'can't be certain' part is obviously made up for Peter's benefit, because anybody who spends less than 24 hours with Jack and me can clearly establish that we do not follow rules.

Still, Peter is sounding pretty convincing to me, and between Jack and me, I'm usually the more cautious one. 

Jack cocks his head. "This program. Technically it means you can spy on Thea and me too, right?"

Dang, I hadn't thought about that.

"Technically yes," says Peter. "But this is where these come in." He holds up two devices, and Jack and I nearly fall off the couch when we see what they are.

"How'd you get those?" I yelp, staring at the two iPhones in Peter's hands.

"Sleight of hand and a little nose for spying. But here's the plus. I disconnected the both of yours connection from everyone else's. The only people you're connected to in any way is the other one and myself."

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now