Chapter 32 - One

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Trigger warnings for scenes containing neglect, drug use, and death.

Harry left mid-afternoon

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Harry left mid-afternoon. We shared a heated goodbye and he promised we'd see each other the first chance he had when he was back in London, then I got ready to face the music with Rose.

I'd considered leaving it a until the following day, but as we were going out for my birthday, there wasn't much choice but to clear the air as soon as possible. It wouldn't be much of a gathering if the hostess and the birthday girl weren't talking, and of anybody in my life, if we fell out then there wasn't much point. She was as good as my sister, and I wanted to make sure that she at least knew I was sorry and regretted not telling her the truth.

Having been cooped up for days, I decided to walk. It wasn't an overly nice day, and I'd regret not driving when I had to walk back home, but I needed the somewhat fresh air to help clear my head. The morning's events were swirling around in my head, leaping from one thought to another, so I hoped by the time I got to Rose's, I would have a bit more of a grasp on everything that had happened. I wrapped up in a warm jacket, stuck my headphones in, and stepped out into what was now a dull, grey afternoon.

The intensity of the sex Harry and I had was throwing me. Everything had felt unintentionally different — the way we'd kissed, the way we'd look at each other, the feel of his hand in my hair, and even the climax. It wasn't strange for us to be so connected — that's why it was always so good when we had sex together — but it was now one step further. I couldn't get that hazy thought that we were no longer just having sex out of my head. The thought had floated lazily as I'd watched him spill over the edge with a look on his face that told me it felt different for him, too. His lips had parted and his eyes had widened before fluttering to a close quickly, the sensitivity bringing him to a stop but not pulling out. We'd lain face to face, smiling and forgetting to pretend like we weren't crazy for each other. For a short time, we'd managed to ignore that what we were doing was terrible and indulged what it would be like if we didn't have to hide.

In fact, by the time I reached Rose's flat, I was so lost in thought about what had happened with Harry that I almost forgot she might not exactly be overjoyed to see me.

"Oh! Here she is: Lady Casanova," was my warm, loving welcome as she greeted me at the door, arms folded across her chest.

"Hey." Smiling weakly, I tried for a hug, but she turned away and headed into the kitchen. I decided not to dance around the issue as I followed her. "I should have told you and I'm sorry. Please don't think I did it because I don't trust you or anything like that. I just... I just wanted to see how spending more than one night with him would go."

Nodding her head thoughtfully, she took a bottle of wine from the fridge, pulled out glasses from the cupboard, and poured us both a drink. She handed me mine before coolly asking, "And how did it go?"

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