"It wasn't me!" Tommy shouted but was shushed by the bearded man.

Cory, ignoring his other teammates, watched the top of the bookshelves.

He noticed a while ago that the walls had hidden levers and disguised buttons. The shelves were all hinged. The floor was un-even, which meant that most of the floors were trapdoors. And the top of the bookshelves looked liked someone could hide there and watched everything and every—

The archer quickly pulled out an arrow and shot it, pinning the sleeves of the person, who was about to touched the button, to the wall.

"Cory!" Both of his teammates were surprised when he shot the arrow, just all of a sudden.

They watched the man ignored them and climbed the bookshelf as if it was nothing but a ladder! And the fact the bookshelf didn't even budge when the camera-face climbed was amazing as well.

They both looked each other, confused what to do next.

Tommy shrugged. "When in Rome." He said and he climbed the bookshelf as well.

"What the hell is Rom— Nevermind." Nick sighed and followed the emoji.

When they reach on top, they were surprised that the top of the bookshelves were really wide. As if it was designed to walk o—

"Leave me alone!"

Both turned to the direction of the scream and there was Cory standing in front of a young person who was pinned to the wall on their left sleeve by the arrow and was trying to remove it.

"Woah, Cory." Nick said as he and Tommy walked up to the man. "Why you gotta do that to the kid?"

"It's because this kid has been watching us from here." The camera-face said as he squatted in front of the younger person who stopped struggling. "Isn't that right?"

The young person glared at all of them. "My name is Fizzy. Not kid...." they mumbled the last part.

"What was that Fizzy?" Nick asked in a kinder tone, making the young person to say it because of the politeness and Cory stepping back and letting the man do the good-cop.

"... yes I've been watching you."

"Creep." The camera-face heard Tommy muttered and elbowed him.

"And why is that Fizzy?" The farm boy asked again, not noticing that the sleeves were nearly ripped off.

"It's my job."

With that, Fizzy's half turned into kangaroo lower half, Fizzy kicked all three of them to the caged bookshelves and pressed the button.

And down the rest of the Shred Heroes.


They all woke up at the same time.

In a room that was white and pure as doves.






"Why the hell am I wearing white clothes?! Where the bloody fuck is my onesie?!" Uni roared when he noticed he was wearing a plain white shirt and white jogging pants.

That brought the heroes attention as well as they saw they were wearing the same thing and they were all bare footed, the only thing they still had were the gloves, the ribbon, the glasses, the bow and the two mask.

"Where are my socks?!" Ashlie shrieked once she realized that her socks wasn't there.

"Where are our bags?" Nick asked as he looked around the room.

"Where is my jester hat?!" Jon exclaimed.

"But didn't you lost it when we passed out."

"Oh right."

"Where are we?" Cory asked the important question of all.

"I think I could answer that question for you, Cory."

All of them turn their heads and attention to the man who was at the door.

The man had light blue hair and eyes for a screen. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt with black pants and black shoes. He had a robotic arm as well and was wearing a shark tooth necklace.

The others have no idea who was this man but Cory and Jon knew him.



The man shook his head. "My real name is Dawn." And he smirked. "And welcome home, The Six Shred Heroes."


And that's the end of Arc 1!

And stay tune for more which is coming in a month!

(Because it's time for me to rest)

See you all soon!

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