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Ouch. I banged my head on the wall. I try to reach for the light switch but someone is on me. The person finally turns on the light switch and I see Lauren.

"Stay away from Four. Got it." She says firmly.

"He is a person not your property. Plus you need to get out of our group because you are plotting against me so shoo." I say.

"You are such a brat. You are not getting out of this closet."

"And how are you going to stop me?"

"By beating you unconscious."

She punches my jaw. I grab her arm and twist it until she screams. Then I bitch slap her. She falls to the ground. I decide to kick her ribs.

"Now. Don't ever mess with me again. Got it?"

She nods really quickly and I walk out of the closet and bump into Four.

"What were you doing in a closet" He asks me.

"You know. Taking care of business. Lauren business. She wants you. Like to date you and she shoved me in there telling me to back off and carp. But I totally beat her up in there." I reply.

"That explains why your jaw is red." He says. He touches my. I feel an electric spark happen. I try my best not to jump.

"Lets go Bobby Wasabi can't take care of its self can it?"

"Fine. Lets take Bobby Wasabi home. Let me guess you got a bumper seat?" He says playfully.

"Noooooo.... Maybe." He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I'm kidding!"

~~~~~~~~~~~ TIME LASPE~~~~~~~~~

We head up to my room to start the baby project. We have another project to. It's about the factions in the past.

"So. What faction do you think you would fit in?" I ask.

"Dauntless." He replays while writing up the paper.

"Me to. I can't do any of the other factions" I reply.

"I am finally finished!!!" He shouts. He gets off the chair and decides to do a somewhat somersault.

I giggle. I get interrupted by Bobbi Wasabi crying. I decide to feed it. It settles down.

"I'm starting to hate Bobby Wasabi!" I say.

"What did I say they are Satan's little helpers." He replies.

I laugh so hard.

"That is hilarious!" I say.

"Ya. Girl I know. I'm so hawt." Four says in a girl voice while flipping imaginary hair.

That makes me laugh even harder.

"Your laugh is so cute." He says.

I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm glad you like it!" I say way to excited.

He flashes me a charming smile and starts walking to me. Next thing I know his lips are on mine. His soft warm lips feel like honey. I start to kiss back. He gently bites my lips for entrance and I let him. His tongue is so warm. It starts to turn into a make out session. All I can think is Yasssssssssss!!!!!!

Dreams Come True: Divergent High FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now