Poles in Places They Should'nt Be In

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I hear shouting coming from the hallway when I walk into school. I hear people shouting "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

I start running to see what is going on. Its probably two knuckleheads fighting over who has a bigger dick. The two knuckleheads were Devon and Tobias and they were not fighting over who has a bigger dick.

"Is that all you got you scrawny noodle?" Tobias taunts while spitting out blood.

Devon doesn't respond but instead lounges towards Tobias. Tobias moves right before Devon tackles him. I'm pretty sure Devon broke his nose when I heard a crack. I'm pretty sure that it's not the locker. This kid has it bad. I chuckle when I see him cry in pain.

"Oh my gosh! You broke my nose! You are totally going to pay," Devon shouted.

"Technically, you broke your own nose," Tobias sneers.

I break through the crowd and finally get to the knuckleheads.
I cannot believe what these dumbasses got themselves into. It's like I can't let them go. They're like dogs that weren't trained.

"What the hell is wrong with you two? You've been fighting since the time Devon transferred here. Why can't you learn how to get along? I'm sick and tired of dealing with both of your bullshit. I'm done," I say.

I walk away from them. Tobias doesnt even run after me. He just went to the bathroom to check his face and see if it's damaged. If they get into another fist fight, I won't hesitate to rearrange their faces and shove poles up their asses.

I might even cut their dicks off if I'm lucky.

"Our group misses you," Ivory tells me.

"I wish I could say the same," I reply.

"How's your relationship between you and Four?" She asks.

I shovel popcorn into my mouth and loom at Ivory with a look that says, did you really just ask that?

"I'm going to assume that you don't want to talk about it. Marlene and Lynn are still fighting. Christina is being distant and Four is just out of it," She informs me.

"Four seems pretty in it to me. I mean he is into beating the shit out of Devon isn't he? I saw the fight first hand. I don't understand what is wrong with them. They both need to back off of me right now," I say.

"You got a point. They are always fighting about you. Devon should just give up. His head must be in his ass right now because he can't see that you don't want him. If someone tried to force me to have sex with them, I sure as hell would tell them to back off and leave me alone. You've got to knock some sense into that kid," Ivory rambles.

She has a point. I can't just sit there and expect them to be civil. I have to stand my ground. If I don't like what they are up to, I have to tell them. If I want them to stop fighting, I have to make them stop fighting.


Unedited: It has been forever since I've update and I'm so very sorry. I've been doing the FSA and school. I'm finally on summer break!! Which means more writing. I'm working on my original story Dyed Emotions and I haven't published chapters but the summary is published. So go and check it out. Love ya guys

Why do people hate Acacia Brinley?

-Fishy, Penguin, Meredith, or Torra. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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