Seventh vodka

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- Didn't you say you wanted to rest? -I said.

- And what better way to rest than with my best friends and beer while we meet our two biggest fans?

- I thought you didn't like talking to your fans.

- Well, it's not that I'm passionate about it, I mean it's not the same to talk to you as with the crazy people out there.

- What is the difference? -I said.

- I don't know, you seem normal. Also, someone has to teach you to look forward while walking.

We all laughed as Alice tried to wake up from the state of shock she entered when Dave and Krist sat down on either side.

- Guys, I'm sorry to cut the roll, but I have to close the local. -Denys interrupted in the place.

- Don't worry, we'll go somewhere else. -Alice smiled.

We all got up and while she and I were going to the back door that we entered before seeing the concert we heard the voice of Kurt.

- Hey! Where are you going?

- Well... Home, I suppose. -I said.

- Don't you want to go for a drink?

I looked at Alice pleading with her eyes to say yes. I still couldn't believe what was happening, but I decided that if it was a dream I'd live it to the fullest without thinking about anything or anyone else but Cobain.

Obviously, she accepted and once she said goodbye to Denys we went with the boys, who took us to a black van. Krist was at the wheel and Alice in the passenger seat while I was in the middle of Dave and Kurt in the back.

- Hey Narel, where are you from? -he wondered.

- Aberdeen. -I hated to lie to him as soon as I met him, but it was my only option.

- Don't fuck me! Krist, have you heard? And how is it that we have never seen you there?

- You see... I've never socialized much with people. It's hard for me to open up and I've never had friends because of that. Since I was always alone, I didn't leave the house, so I suppose it'll be because of that.

- Wow, I'm sorry...

- You haven't missed much Narel either. The only thing you could find for Aberdeen was Kurt smoking joints after skipping classes. -Krist laughed.

We all join the bassist's laughter.

Soon after we got to a bar, or rather, to a bar located in downtown Seattle. Luckily there was a free table in a corner so we tried to get there by pushing people away and being as dissimulated as possible.

This table was a bit small for the five of us, but we made room so that Alice and Krist were together, Kurt and I in front and, finally, Dave on one side.

Once we were seated, the waitress came to assist us.

- What... what do you want? -she stammered when she realized they were Nirvana.

- A whiskey. -Krist said.

- Let there be two. -Dave added.

- I want a beer. -Alice asked.

- Okay, and you?

Before I had time to pronounce a syllable Kurt spoke for both of us.

- Two vodkas, please.

The waitress nodded and disappeared into the crowd.

- Why did you order vodka for me too? You haven't given me time to respond.

- Something has to help you open up with people, right? -he smiled.

At that moment Alice kicked me under the table reminding me that everything was fucking real.

Fucking 90s · K.C. [ENGLISH VERSION OF "Malditos 90s"]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα