First drag

311 9 0

Seattle, November 25, 2089

- Grandma, you should quit smoking.

- Why? We all know that I'm going to die in two weeks.

- Maybe the doctors are wrong...

- Stop being such a stupid Audrey. I'm ninety-two years old.

- Grandma... If you're like that because of others, I want you to know that I don't care. I mean, I don't think you're crazy.

- And what is that you want to tell me with that?

- I trust you.

Audrey gets on her knees in front of me and takes off the black coat that covers her delicate body. Under it, she's wearing a shirt with Kurt Cobain's face.

- Grandma... - she hold my hands to draw the attention of my eyes.

- Take off that shirt right now.

- Why? -she says, bewildered.

- You don't even know who he is. You shouldn't wear his face on a shirt.

- Okay, I may not know who he is, or rather, who he was. I just found information about him on the internet. That's why I'm here to talk to you.

- And why with me?

- Because I know you met him and nobody believes you. I've heard at home how they were talking about you supposedly being crazy and you said you met him when it's physically impossible because you were born three years after his death. -she squeezes my hands to get my attention again- Grandma, I know you weren't lying. I know that you have been silent for so many years because nobody wanted to listen to you. I know that what you keep is true because I have seen how you have cried for him for so many years. Please, tell me everything...

- I don't think it's a good idea...

- Please, I don't want you to leave without telling me the truth.

I sigh deeply and take off the first tears that threaten to come out of my eyes.

- Okay... Audrey... Have you ever heard about travel in time?

Fucking 90s · K.C. [ENGLISH VERSION OF "Malditos 90s"]Where stories live. Discover now