Rick pointed to a large beautiful emerald gem sitting on a podium like stand, guarded by several guards armed with swords and one with a shield.

I looked over to Rick, raising an eyebrow, I knew this wouldn't work, whatever he was scheming, isn't going to work as planned. Sure Rick is the world's smartest man maybe even the whole entire multiverse smartest man but I've seen his plans, they aren't going to work. I am certain.

If it's one thing I know his plan that he's most likely scheming now it's going to involve ass and titties. And they're not going to be mine... Guess I was wrong...

"Rick I don't think I can steal that." I violently whispered.

"No you're not going to steal it you're going to help me steal it." He whispers yelled back.

"What do you, what do you mean Rick?"

"We're going to, we're going to, we're going to steal it together."

"Are, are you, are you sure I mean this doesn't seem like a solid plan."

Like I said I already knew what he was scheming. I am not confident in my body... I mean have you seen it? An Asian crack whore has more ass and tits than I do.

We continue to argue some more until I finally gave up and let myself in.

"Alright, here's the plan Y/n,*erp* do the guards over there do, do, do, do, you see them?"

"Yes Rick I am not blind, I see them there's like 20 of them. Look, Rick, I know what's on your mind I'm not going to seduce them."

I cross my hands like a young child whining to his or her mother. Rick's no Father of mine.

"Well scratch that idea." Rick smirks.

"What it was actually your plan, Rick I'm going to kill you I'm going to shove my foot down your throat." I shove him lightly.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding, just kill them all right, I mean it seems a lot easier, and it doesn't seem like it would really hurt their economy I mean every 3 seconds someone is actually born here or so and well I could go on but ,but, I, I we, we should, just knock them out and yeah, yeah. You're you're no fun Y/N."

Rick pulls out a gun.

"I really, really think we don't need that gun, Rick." I grab the gun and tuck it away.

"What what do you mean what else are we going to do?" He frowned.

"Watch and learn old man, watch and learn." I crackle my knuckles, pop my neck, and simply, walk up to the guards.

"Time to be a Hero!" I snarled.
"Hey, Baby!" I punch one of them.

"Hows about *grunt* you and me get *grunts* dinner some time!" I start beating the shit of it of them.

They couldn't touch me. (Can't touch this) (*cues music*)

I was like a flash lighting bolt, you couldn't track me with your eyes, no matter how hard you try.

I knocked them all out.

I see Rick, dumbfounded of what I just did.

"That. Was. Badass. " He paused between each word.

"How's that for seducing?" I smirk.

"I sure took the trash out of garbage day." Rick laughs at my cheesy comment.

"That was a stupid joke." He laughs.

"I know, only the best, from the best." I point to myself.

"Come *erp* on." He motioned.

We took the jewel, an alarm went off.

"Alright Y/N, we need to go now." Rick tugs at me.

"Not just yet." I told him grabbing my arm back.

"Alright." He waited.

Thousand of guards came out.

"Thinking what am I thinking?" I asked.

"Oh, Fucking *erp* yeah." Rick gree a creepy smile.

"I'll just portal the gem home, then we can.." He portrayed the gem home.

"Let's *erp* do this." Rick cracked his knuckles, neck, and back.

We kick the shit out of every guard that ever came out.

"Rick behind you." I growl.

I kick the guard coming behind him.

"T-THANKS!" He shouted.

"Look *erp* o-out." He groaned.

He shot it in the face.

This continues for a good half hour, until we finally kick the shit out of them all.

"That was insane!" I yell.
Huffing and Puffing, trying to catch my breath.

"Ready to *huff* go?" Rick asked.

"Yeah." I sigh.
"That was fun."

"Of course it was." He wrapped his arms around me.

I turn red.

"You alright?" He makes a circular motion with his finger around my face.

"Y-Yeah! J-just tried!" I jolted a bit.

He pops up a portal.

"Come on, it's *erp* late." He chuckles.

We jump through the portal, with huge smiles on our faces.

When will I tell you, my love?


The Hiatus Is Overa!


Shattered (Rick X Reader) (Completed) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now