forks ✍

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To start off with, forks was rainy. Cold, wet and damp the three things that I hated the most. The second was, too many people crammed into one tiny town. Three, the type of town I hated the most, a town where everybody knew everybody... a town where everybody knew the chief of police. Four, me and Bella had to share a room.

I sat in the car, thinking about all the reasons I was here in the first place. Mom got remarried, to Phil... he's a nice guy takes good care of her. Phil well he's a minor league baseball player and the new seasons starting to pick up for him. I guess mom wanted to travel for a while, she's always been a free spirit. I guess that's why her and Charlie never worked out.
Mom thought it would be good for me and Bella to spend some quality time as she put it, with Charlie and of course the other obvious reason is that it's my junior year in high school next year I graduate along with Bella. We're not twins. Well I suppose we are after all being born seconds apart. The only difference is that I have dark emerald eyes and blonde short hair and Bella well she has dark brunette hair with almost black eyes. We're complete opposites. But I wouldn't change us for the world.

"So umm kiddos... you had your hair cut Ella" Charlie stated he kept his eyes on the road and once in a while he would look in his middle mirror at me.
I shrugged my shoulders and fiddled with my hair.
"Yer but it's grown out quite a few times" I didn't really want to be a part of any conversation. I heard Charlie sigh as he saw me get out my phone and my ear buds. I guess he thought I'd be the more talkative one but he seems to be having more luck with Bella.
I rested my head on the window listening to my music, when my eyes caught Bellas as she looked at me through the side mirror from the front. Me and Bella had one thing in common we both hated having to socialise or be noticed.

I felt as if I was looking at myself as Bella started back at me unhappy with having to move away from Phoenix Arizona.

The car ride was almost as long and excruciatingly awkward as the plane ride, although Charlie managed to comment on Bellas hair as well, her answer being the same.

We pulled up to an old slightly unkept white wood panned house. I stepped out the car dragging my bag and suite case with me. It was cold. Very cold, wet and damp. I realised that I had no idea which school I'd be going to.

"Which school am I going To?" I asked Charlie as I struggled with my suit case in the mud.
"Forks high school it's just a couple of miles into town. Both of you are going there I've already enrolled you" Charlie's answer was short but no the less informative, suppose he is a cop that comes in handy for keeping conversation to a minimum.

I slipped slightly on the mud and almost fell into what looked like a pile of dog crud.
"I got ya" Charlie said as he took my suit case and carried it to the front door. Why must it be so insanely miserable here?

Bella patted my shoulder and walked into the house. I followed her in and Charlie stood infront of us.

"I guess I should show you to your room" he said and began to walk up the stairs. I followed him and he huffed slightly as he opened the door to our room.
"I Uh... I left it the way you guys liked it... I mean I changed the bed sheets"  me and Bella stood awkwardly in our room.
"Thanks" Bella said to Charlie timidly and as usual, awkwardly. Charlie walked off and we sat down on our beds. Bella put her half dead cactus on her bedside table as I put my Texas cavalry badge on my bedside table. I had found the badge when I was little in the back garden of our grandma's old house, grandma said that it belonged to a soldier that had went missing in 1862 at only 19 his name they could never trace it but I kept it as a reminder of my grandma.

"So what do you think of Charlie?" Bella asked quietly sorting through her book.
"Not to sure really, he seems more like you, completely arkward" I snickered and Bella playfully threw a book at me.
"Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without you Ella" Bella hopped onto my bed and threw her arms around me. I had always been the older sister of sorts Bella was more fragile and more socially awkward than me.

"I guess moms started a new life  now" Bella stated looking down at her legs.
"No she hasn't she just wants us to be happy and traveling might make us happy now but if we don't get our junior year over with we won't be able to graduate"

"I guess your right but it's the thought of starting a new school in the middle of term, in a town where everybody knows everybody" I sighed a Bella spoke her mind as always.

"Mom said it would be good for me, I never wanted to leave my friends" I said and slammed my foot down on the hard wooden floor.

"But those people they weren't friends Ella they just used you!" She started to shout and stood up with her back to me.
"Bella would you just stop, I don't want to talk about it" I stated. Bella huffed as I started to walk out the bedroom.
"They exploited your gift" Bella took a hold of my arm and stopped me.
"Nobody can ever find out about my gift Bella... never again" Bella sighed knowingly and nodded her head.

"But you don't have to live like me bella. You don't have to live in hiding or in fear" I said looking at her confused.

"I know but I can't let you be by yourself"  she hugged me tightly.

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