Start from the beginning

   “N-no way! I like The Light!” I’m surprised how loyal that rabbit was to her side, even if it meant to disappear.

   “You made the wrong choice,” the flame bird yelled as fire blazed out of her beak. The flames disappeared quickly and there was no rabbit there anymore. What did the flame bird do to that rabbit? I begin to walk to the flame bird.

   “W-what did you do to that poor rabbit?” I yelled. The flame bird snickered.

   “Poor? You call that rabbit poor? I made that rabbit disappear for he was worthless. He does no longer exist in this world or any other after life. That rabbit is gone forever. Its soul, body, everything. Now, if you join The Dark, you can have the power to make useless ghosts disappear. Did you make your choice, hm?”

   “N-no!!! Why would I join The Dark?! Why would I make innocent ghosts disappear forever!?” It was true that I obviously had fear in my voice. I didn’t know what the flame bird would do to me.

   “Hmph. Then, we are now enemies. Now, shall I make you disappear right here, right now? Or… I’ll spare you if you don’t get in our way,” the flame bird threatened. I started to step backwards with terror.

   “Don’t even try to escape. If you do, the consequences are severe. You will disappear, and there are no more afterlives.” Panicking, and without any hesitation, I started bolting away from the flame bird. I didn’t dare look behind, and I closed my eyes. And I ran as fast as my little legs could take me, and I was running for my life. After a few minutes, I felt safe and I thought I was far away from the flame bird. I slow down so that I was now walking, and in the distance I spot a tree. I reach tree, and lay back on it, breathing heavily; sweat running down my face. My eyes were still closed, and I wasn’t alarmed that the flame bird would be here anytime soon. The sun was beating down on me with its warm heat on my cold body, and I was closing my eyes. This made me drowsy, so I try resisting sleeping, but I eventually fall asleep, and my body collapsed on the grass.


   I felt an unexpected heat hovering in my area, and I felt somehow extremely hot. I slowly opened up my eyes, and flames were surrounding the tree I was sleeping by. I just noticed some more trees behind me, and those trees were burning down. The burning trees start tottering, and I heard thumping noises; the noise of the trees falling. The trees were caving in on me, and fire was surrounding me; I had no escape. I desperately looked from side to side, but it was useless; no escape seen anywhere. What would happen to me? Would I… disappear? And… how did this fire happen here? I didn’t know any answers to these questions, but what I do know is that I can’t just sit here and do nothing.

   I start to stand, but something immediately pushed me back down. I grunted, and scanned my area, but I didn’t see anything. I felt a breath on my neck, and several chills went down my spine; every hair on my back stood straight up. I was paralyzed, and I couldn’t move. I saw the flames arise, and I winced as some embers burned the tips of my fur. The breathing on my neck continued, and I whirled around. All I saw was the tree I slept on, and the fire was gradually blanketing the trunk of the tree. The leaves were already burning, and falling down. If I stay here any longer, either the fire from the tree will get me, or the burning leaves would. I jumped when something burning touched my back. I frenziedly examined my area again, and this time I saw something burning flying over the trees. I didn’t know if it was real, or I was hallucinating, since my vision was getting cloudy and I saw other things. More trees collapsed and I wobbled. I coughed as I inhaled smoke, and I was harshly pushed to the dirt. My seeing was darkening, until I couldn’t see any more fire. I felt dizzy and lightheaded, as I saw a chain of some sort of visions.

   I couldn’t really tell what I saw on the visions, since my seeing was extremely blurred. I saw Master Green holding a blue blur, and then a dark blur came and started fighting with Master Green. Afterwards, I saw a flying red blur, and then total darkness. But before I fainted I heard a familiar voice say,




   I wake up to see the same white rabbit that was supposed to be disappeared.

   “W-who are you?”               

   “I’m Cotton. I found you in a burning forest, so I took you to the not burning forest. We’ll go teleport to Master Green-“

   “I THOUGHT YOU DISAPPEARED!” Cotton cocked her head at first, but then said,

   “Oh yes. When that flame bird attacked me with fire, the fire surprisingly didn’t hurt. So, I took the advantage, and dug a hole. When I popped out of my hole, I saw you in a burning forest, so I took you here.” I started looking around my environment, and it seemed that I was in the same exact forest, only it wasn’t burning. Cotton grabbed my hand and placed it on this unusual orb. Then I heard her whisper, “To Master Green…” In the blink of an eye, we were right in front of Master Green. Cotton and Master Green chatted for some time, and finally, Master Green turned towards me.

   “Ummm… About Cotton’s attack. How come the flames didn’t hurt? How come Cotton didn’t disappear? How come-“

   “Hmm. Let’s see. Well, it just seems lucky enough that Cotton was wearing the Disappearance Necklace. It’s a necklace that prevents you from disappearing.”

   “Oh…” I angled my head so that I had a good look at Cotton’s necklace. Her necklace had golden links connected together with a bright green orb locked in the middle. I nodded, and turned around so that I was facing the door. I didn’t care where I was at that time. I opened the door, and I was face to face with the flame bird.

   “Ahh… It seems that you escaped. I put you in a little entertaining trap of mine. Oh and what do we have here…” the flame bird seemed to be surprised at the sight of Cotton, but her expression calmed when she saw the necklace.

   “Well, I failed to have at least one ghost disappear. What a shame, my goal for today is to make at least one ghost disappear, for it’s my test. Now now, it seems that you are very vulnerable to disappearance. Have a taste of my… fire.” I was blinded my flames, but the flames didn’t affect me at all. The flames were gone, and the flame bird appeared to be shocked. Master Green stepped forward.

   “It seems that you are a family member of this aqua wolf, flame bird. Now, the dark can’t destroy their family members unless they have at least made one ghost disappear. And you didn’t make one ghost disappear. Now, let us two become peaceful, and flame bird, say hello to your sister.”


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