Part 18. The end

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8 months later, Veronica's pov
V- Archie wake up. I think it's time!
A- What?
V- My water broke, we have to go to the hospital.
A- Oh god okay lets call Betty and Jughead so that they can take Camille and then...
V- Archie calm down and breathe. I texted Betty like ten minutes ago when I woke up from contractions. They're on their way so lets just go like now cause I am in a lot of pain.
Archie helped me to the car and when I had just closed the door I saw Betty and Jughead step out of the car with a sleeping Lucas in her arms. They waved at us and then walked inside. We drove quickly to the hospital. At the hospital Archie helped me out of the car and checked me in. I was in so much pain and I was so ready for the birth to be over. I was laying in my hospital bed pumped with pain killers hoping that I was soon ready to give birth. But when we had been there for over six hours with out anything changing I almost gave up.
V- Arch, I can't do this anymore. It hurts so bad and I am not more open than I was when I came here. I want it to stop!
A- Ronnie look at me. You can do this, you're the strongest person I know okay. You will make it through this and afterwards we will have a beautiful baby. Now lets talk about something else, what do you want it to be?
V- Maybe a boy since we already have a girl.
Talking was so hard, I was talking slowly and studdered a lot cause of the pain.
A- Yeah a boy would be fun, it would be a great experience!
V- So names?
A- Well we did talk about Landon for a boy but if it's another girl then I don't know.
V- Lucy...
A- Huh?
V- I like Lucy.
A- I like Lucy too, it's pretty!

Archie's pov
I could tell how much pain Veronica was in, she could barely talk. It sucked that there was nothing I could do. I wanted to take some pain away from her and have me feel it instead, I couldn't stand seing her so upset. The doctor came in to check up on Veronica for the sixth time since we got here.
Dr- So Veronica you're finally 10cm. It's time for you to start pushing.
I saw Veronica starting to cry.
V- I don't know if I can do that, I'm exhausted and in pain!
Dr- I know Veronica but we need you to try.
A- Come on Ronnie, you can do this I swear okay?
V- Okay!
She started pushing while holding my hand. I could see on her whole face how uncomfortable she was so I just held her hand a little bit harder. 30 minutes later it was done.
Dr- Mr and Mrs Andrews, this is your son!
She held up the most beautiful baby boy ever. I looked over at Veronica who looked exhausted but also so happy.
V- We have a son!
I leaned down and kissed her.
A- I told you you could do this. And now we have a beautiful son!
After they had washed him they gave him to Veronica and not soon after we heard a knock on the door.
B- Can we come in? We're dying out here!
A- Of course, come in!
In walked Betty and Jughead with Camille who immediately ran over to me and I picked her up and showed her her baby brother.
A- Camille this is your brother, you need to be nice to him okay?
C- Okay I will be really nice to him.
Then both my mom and dad and Veronica's mom and dad walked in to the room.
J- So what's his name?
V- It's Landon Archiebald Andrews, our son!
A- I love you Ronnie!
V- I love you Archiekins!

A/N: So this is the last part, I'm sorry if this story got boring in the end but I wanted it to have a happy ending. The first part of my new story is out so please check it out. Also I sorta want to post like one shots cause I have a few of those but only like one a week. But idk maybe I'll do it later. Hope you enjoyed this story!

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