Part 2. Veronica's birthday

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Archie's pov

I was walking, on my way home to my beautiful wife. Veronica Andrews. It was her 23rd birthday today and I had bought her flowers and her favorite chocolates. The clock was early so hopefully she wasn't awake. I had snuck out of our house this morning trying not to wake her up, I wanted to surprise her. I got home and snuck into to our room but Veronica wasn't there. I called her name but she didn't answer. I tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. I started freaking out, Veronica would never leave without letting me know where she was going and she always picks up her phone. Something wasn't right.

Veronicas pov

I woke up on my 23rd birthday feeling sick. Archie wasn't laying next to me so I got up to look for him but I didn't even make it out of my room before I needed to run to the bathroom and throw up. What was wrong with me? Was I finally pregnant? Me and Archie had been trying to get pregnant for over a year. I took a test and it was positive. I got so happy but decided to surprise him when he got home from where ever he was. I went out to get one of those t-shirts that said 'Worlds best dad' or something like that. While I was at the store Archie kept calling me, I ignored him since I didn't want him to find out. I ended up buying a shirt that said 'You're going to be a dad!" then I went home

Archie's pov

After thirty minutes of desperately trying to reach Veronica I hear someone calling

V- Honey I am home!

A- Ronnie, where the hell have you been?

V- Sorry I wanted to shop a little bit.

A- Why didn't you pick up when I called you?

V- My sound was off.

She said and walked into the kitchen

V- Omg Archiekins, what's this?

I had totally forgot about the flowers and chocolate that I had left on the kitchen bench.

B- Ohh that's my present for you, happy 23rd birthday!

V- Archie, they are amazing. Thank you!

She walked over to me and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

V- I actually have a gift for you too.

A- Ronnie it's your birthday you shouldn't be giving me gifts.

V- I don't care, just open it.

A/N: So I decided to post one real chapter now but after this I will start posting more regularly, maybe once a day. When this story is done I will immediately post a new story. I hope that you enjoy this one!! Again I am not the best writer so this story may be a little bit cringy but please don't judge, I have honestly worked really hard on this one. Also sorry that I said that future chapters will be longer, I am going to keep them short to make the story longer🤷🏽‍♀️ Next part coming up sometime tomorrow (the clock is 1.43am in Sweden) so now I am going to bed. Goodnight!
Next part: "The gift"

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