Part 6. Everything changes

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At the party the next day, Veronicas pov

Since we send out the invitations just the day before I didn't think anyone would show up but I was wrong. The people who came was my parents, Archie's dad, Betty and Jughead, Kevin and his boyfriend, Cheryl and her fiancée Toni, Reggie and Josie, Melody, Valerie, Moose and Midge, Bettys family and some other friends. Everyone we invited came, which was great. In the middle of the party I told everyone to follow me and Archie outside for a surprise. Everyone followed and outside we uncovered the banderol and they all got so happy. They hugged me and Archie and said congratulations and asked all these questions, half of them I couldn't even answer but that didn't matter.

Four weeks later, Archie's pov

A- So, Ronnie, the appointment is in two hours and then we will find out the sex. Should we start thinking of names?

V- Yeah probably, do you have any suggestions?

A- I want something special but not to special but still special, you understand?

V- Haha, yes I do. What about Hawaii Camille? It maybe sounds weird but I read a book where the kid was named that and I have always loved that name.

A- Hawaii Camille, that is actually really pretty, if it's a boy then? I was thinking maybe Landon.

V- Landon is cute but I like the idea of a double name so maybe we can think of two names to put together?

A- Yeah sure, what about Wyatt Landon?

V- I love it! Now we have one boy and one girl name.

At the doctor, Veronicas pov

I Was so excited to find out the sex but it didn't really turn out the way it was supposed to. First of all Archie couldn't follow and second it all turned to a nightmare.

Dr- So Veronica how have you been? Felt any kicks?

V- I have been great and no I haven't felt any kicks.

Dr- You haven't, ehm, I have to take some tests.

V- Can't we listen to the heartbeat first I mean you have already started.

Dr- Veronica I am having some problems finding the heartbeat plus it's not good that the baby hasn't moved anything so I just need to run some tests to see...

V- If my baby is still alive?

Dr- Yes I am so sorry Veronica but your baby might not be alive.

A/N: First of all: I don't know if you guys have noticed but I have had a lot of problems posting this part and the next part. Hopefully it's working now. Enjoy!
Next part: "It's a girl"

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