Part 8. Bye baby girl

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At the hospital we got checked in to a private room where we first needed to sign all these papers that basically said that we were okay with her dying which was a lie. We signed all the papers and afterwards the doctor came in and explained how it all would go down. He would give me a shot that would make my contractions start and then we would get to hold her while a priest would name her. Just hearing that make me want to die, I couldn't focus and I saw Archie tearing up trying to stay strong for me. After that they started the procedure, they asked if we were ready and we said yes even though are you ever ready. We were about to give birth to a baby that was 20 weeks and we would have to say goodbye to out beautiful daughter. I was terrified and when the contractions started I lost it. I started bawling my eyes out 'cause of the pain and sadness I felt. I felt so bad for Archie, he just stood there trying to comfort me while trying not to break himself. I wanted to tell him that he was allowed to cry and feel sad but I couldn't manage to do that, I just had to focus on pushing and finish the birth of our baby.

Archie's pov
She was laying there crying, I wasn't sure what to do so I just stood there holding her hand telling her that everything would be fine even if that was a lie. I wasn't sure that it would ever be okay again, we were about to lose our baby girl. The first piece of our own family. I didn't know what to do about it all. I wanted to cry, to scream but I couldn't. I have to stay strong for Veronica. The birth was over really fast since the baby wasn't big at all. They wrapped her in a blanket and gave her to Veronica who started crying. I was crying too and the priest started naming our beautiful daughter. Angel Luna Andrews lived for exactly 17 minutes before she took her last breathe. Veronica started screaming at her to come back, I couldn't believe that she was gone. Just a few seconds ago she was here breathing and now she was gone, gone forever.

Nobody's pov
The next couple of months the two of them did nothing but sit around, cry and fight a lot. They still couldn't believe it. Their friends and family came by a couple of times to support them and make sure that they would stay strong. But they all saw it, even Veronica and Archie saw it. They were drifting apart.

A/N: Sorry for these last parts being sad and the next couple of parts will be sad too but I promise, happiness will make a comeback. Enjoy!
Next part: "You're leaving?"

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