Part 14. A year ago

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Archie's pov
It was morning and someone knocked on the door I went and opened. There she was his girlfriend.
A- Linda hey!
L- Archie, you ready to go and visit Angel?
A- Yeah but lets go and get some food at Pop's first. We don't have to rush there.
L- Fine. lets go to Pop's!
I kissed her and then we jumped in her car and drove to Pop's. We had been dating for about 3 weeks but I really liked her and she liked me. I had almost forgot about Veronica, I didn't let myself think about her. She was my past and we were going to get a divorce as soon as she got back. I was sure she would never take me back after everything I had done and now I was with Linda.

Veronicas pov
The first thing I did when I got back to Riverdale was going to the graveyard where Angel laid buried. I was standing there in my cape when I heard a familiar voice.
A- Veronica, you're back?
V- Yeah I wouldn't miss Angel's birthday. Who's that?
Next to Archie there was this girl.
L- Hi I am Linda, you must be Veronica! Archie told me about your situation but I just need you to know that I am totally okay with it being this way.
V- What situation?
L- Oh I meant you two being married but about to get a divorce.
V- That situation. Linda, could you leave me and Archie alone for awhile? I would like some privacy between him, me and Angel!
L- No, no of course I will go wait in the car.
V- You told her we were getting a divorce, is that what you want?
A- Of course not, I love you Ronnie but I just guessed that that was what you wanted.
V- You guessed, you didn't ask me or anything you just guessed!
A- I know that it was wrong.
V- Well it's to late now, you're with Linda and we are going to get a divorce apparently.
A- I can always break up with her but then I need to know, Veronica, do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?
V- I do but I don't think we work together.
A- Ronnie we had some troubles before but it's fine now right?
V- Yeah I guess so. Can we meet at Pop's in an hour and talk more?
A- Sure. Bye Ronnie, bye Angel.
V- Bye Arch. I am going to stay here for awhile but meet you in an hour.
I was at Angel's grave for 30 more minutes just talking about me and Archie and stuff like that. Then I left to Pop's. I ordered a milkshake and waited for Archie for about 10 minutes.
A- Hey beautiful!
V- Archiekins!!
I got up and hugged him and we sat down and started talking.
A- So..
V- So..
A- I broke up with Lin...
V- I am pregnant!

A/N: Okay so first of all, on the last part a person commented asking me if Veronica would get pregnant and I have no idea how he/she knew that but yeah. Second of all, wow this story is almost at 1k and I am freaking out. Thank you so much for reading this, just a few parts left now. Enjoy!
Next part: "Pregnant?!"

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