Chapter 6: Friday Nights and Somebody Else

Start from the beginning

"Sorry about how things ended with Mary, really thought she was a keeper" I joked as I removed my arms and he removed his. I moved to lean my body against the wall beside him.

"Don't be Jones, I dodged a bullet with that one" we both look over at Mary. She's in the corner sucking face with some random guy I've never seen before. I lower myself to the floor, sitting, and leaning against the wall. Logan realized I was sitting on the floor and joined me.

"I thought you left the party earlier, where'd you go?" I asked him.

"Just had to leave the room Jones" he answered looking down at the floor then looked back at me.


"It's not really that big of a deal. More importantly, why does Nate look like he wants to murder me right now?" he nodded his head towards Nate ultimately changing the subject. I averted my eyes to look at Nate. He looked enraged. Was he mad cause I was talking to Logan. Why would he care? I turned back to face Logan.

"Um I have no idea" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yes you do, you're just not telling me cause something must've happened between you two and you don't want to get into it, because if you do, you might actually let people think you have feelings" I became silent and just stared at the floor. How did he do that? It's like he could see right through me.

"You're right, I don't want to talk about it, especially with you" I returned my stare towards Logan. I was getting mad. I came here to have fun, but instead for the past hour it's been a total shit show.

"Do you hate me or something?" Logan asked with hurt in his eyes.

"Well I'm not your biggest fan, but I don't hate you, I don't think I've ever hated anyone, it's just easier for me to not like you" I answered while staring at my fiddling fingers not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Easier? What are you talking about?" he furrowed his brows not knowing what I was talking about. It was easier for me to not like him or at least pretend I didn't so I wouldn't fall for him. If I let myself go and start liking him, I knew he was capable of ruining me. But I would never tell him that. Thankfully Charlie interrupted our conversation so I wouldn't have to answer his question.

"UGH!! I've been looking everywhere for you! Sorry to interrupt what I'm sure is a great conversation, but Stel, there's this guy who wants to talk to you, I think you'd like him" Charlie voiced as she looked down at Logan and I sitting on the floor.

"Charlie, you know I don't date, what would be the point?" I asked her as Logan got up and left. I felt bad that he felt the need to leave. I watched him as he left and walked around the corner out of my view. I kind of wanted him to stay, but if he did, that meant I had to answer his question, which was not going to happen.

"Okay, fine, whatever" I agreed to go with Charlie to go talk to this random dude. She grabbed my arm and dragged me through the crowd.


Okay, talk about a total air head. Oh my gosh he was dumb! And it didn't help that he pretty much stared at my boobs the whole time. Charlie really knows how to pick 'em for me. I've been at this party for 2 and a half hours now, I'm supposed to be having fun, but so far I've had guys grab my butt, had an awkward conversation with a guy who's dumb as shit, and had a stressful conversation with Logan. I hated this. I noticed Nate staring at me a couple times throughout the night. I wish he would fucking stop. Every time he came up in a conversation, all I wanted to do was cry, he just hurt me so much and I still wasn't over it, I mean if that happened to anyone else I don't think they'd be okay either. When Logan knew that something happened between us, I literally wanted to shit myself. I wasn't scared of telling him, I was scared at the fact that something inside me actually wanted to tell him. There was a little voice inside my head just telling me to spill my guts out in front of him. I just wanted to cry and pour my heart out right in front of him and not care what he thinks cause I wouldn't feel like he's judging me and that scared me. I never felt like doing that with anyone. I already knew that knowing him now wasn't going to end well for me. I didn't know if I still didn't like him or not, as a friend of course. My emotions were so entangled in my head right now, I didn't know what to think.

I was brought out of my thoughts by some guy trying to touch my boobs. I just kneed him in the balls and left. I tried to look for Logan. Don't ask me why. I just felt like talking to him. I made my way around the crowd and retraced my steps to where we were sitting on the floor earlier. I then made my way around the corner to where he disappeared off to before Charlie dragged me off into the crowd. I think a tear was welling up in my eye as I saw what was in front of me. I didn't like this feeling. My eyes caught Logan making out with some girl in the corner of the room. I don't know why, but I didn't expect to see this. But this is who he is. I didn't like the feeling that it was giving me, I had a big pit in my stomach. I just stood there like an idiot watching, hoping he would notice me standing there. Long story short, he didn't notice me standing there. I heard Somebody Else by The 1975 blasting on the speakers in the back ground. How ironic.

I wiped the tear before it could fall down my face. I don't think anyone saw me. I made my way around the corner and I looked back at them one last time. I ran into something hard while my head was turned towards Logan and the girl with him behind me. It took me out of my thoughts. I quickly turned my head to face the owner of the body in front of me. It was Nate. He gripped my upper arms as we collided so I wouldn't fall over.

"Stel, are you okay?" Nate interrogated me while looking confused. His eyes searched mine trying to find emotion.

"You lost the right to call me Stel when you treated me like a piece of ass" I shot at him.

"Woah where'd that come from?" he put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Listen I'm in a really bad mood right now and if you prefer to have your balls attached to your body after this conversation is over, I'd suggest getting out of my way" he looked sad after I said that, not sure why. Maybe cause he thought he actually had a shot at knowing what was wrong. He's delusional.

I made my way past him and headed for the door. I just needed to go outside and get fresh air. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I then see a broad guy come in my view. This cannot be happening right now.

"Move" I snapped at him. I moved to walk by him but he moved the same way I did to intentionally block me from getting by him.

"What do you want?" I asked getting annoyed. I just wanted to leave. He was getting closer and he smelled like liquor. It was gross.

"You" he answered.

"Uh no thanks, I'm not interested" he must not have got the message cause he circled his arms around me and grabbed my butt. I was officially not enjoying this party. I tried to push him off of me but he was too strong. He backed me up against a wall and my back slammed into it. Next thing I know his lips were crushing mine. Ew his lips were slimy and gross. I struggled underneath his grip trying to get out of this situation. I kneed him in the groin which made him bend over in pain and then I punched him hard. And I mean hard. He fell to the floor. "No means no asshole!" I yelled at him causing several people to glance in my direction.

I then turned around to walk away and there was two other guys blocking my way. This night could not get any worse. They started walking closer causing me to take a few steps back.

"That wasn't very nice of her was it Greg?" One of the two guys asked the guy who I made drop to the floor. He stood up again to tower over me. Greg. I guess the asshole had a name.

"Show her what we do to bitches like her" the other guy stated to Greg. I felt a tear stream out of each eye. I didn't know what they were going to do to me. All of a sudden Greg's fist hit my face and I fell to the floor. He then kicked my stomach when I hit the ground. Talk about kicking a bitch while she's down.

In the next moment I was bracing for another hit, but all I hear is a punching sound, then I see Greg's body fall to the floor next to me. He was unconscious. My eyes were all blurry from the tears. I looked up and still managed to somewhat see who punched Greg. My eyes widened in shock as I saw who defended me.

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