Second Attempt

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 “How you asked,” Zane said. “I admit you managed to surprise me with that spell, but before you could finish me off I managed to seal your little spell into the forest.” His eyes glowed again. “It’s a spell I can only use once still I won’t need it after I finish you fairies off.”

                So that explains it, Erza thought.

                “You’re going to pay.” Natsu engulfed his fist in flames and charged at the man, jumping into the air.

                Zane shot two of his fingers up. “Sore Joker: Back Wave.” A transparent dark purple energy spread out from him, knocking Natsu and the others back. The wizards managed to land, but were at least a foot apart from each other, keeping anyone from supporting Laxus or Lucy.

                “Now, Sore Joker: Magical Weight.” He brought his hand down. All fourteen wizards slammed to the ground under the dark purple aura that had surrounded them. Carla and Happy weren’t as badly affected still able to stand.

                “Not this again,” Laxus said.

                Elfman struggled to stand on all fours. “What the heck is this?” He grind his teeth together.

                Lucy had one of her eyes closed while she glared at Zane. “It’s a magic that weights you down by your own magical power.”

                “That’s right, the stronger you are the more pressure that is applied.” Natsu, Gray, Mirajane, Erza, Freed, and Laxus couldn’t even get themselves off of the ground. Wendy struggled to get up, but kept on crashing back onto the ground. Bickslow and Evergreen also were greatly affected by the spell, including Lisanna.

                 Zane held his hand partly out to the side. A dark purple magic circle appeared in front of his hand. A magic katana blade came out of the circle and Zane grabbed it. “I really wanted your friends to discover your dead bodies, but since that can’t happen I’ll just torture the three of you, Laxus, Lucy, and Erza.”

                “You jerk,” Natsu yelled. He tried to push himself up, but the weight of the spell kept him down anytime he got close to getting on his hands and knees.

                “You misunderstand,” Zane told him. “I’m not going to put them in the forest of memories again or simply cut their bodies to hurt them. I’m going to have them watch as I kill each of you right in front of them. Laxus and Erza will have to watch as their own power prevented them from saving you while Lucy watches as her own weakness caused your demise.”

                “I don’t understand,” Erza said, trying to lift her head. “If you think Lucy is so weak why are you keep trying to hurt her? What could you have against her?”

                Zane glared down at the group. “Though weak she has an annoying ability of rallying your fairies.” He walked toward the group. “I’ve watched you’re guild for some time now. When Phantom Lord tried to kidnap Lucy almost everyone risked their lives to protect her. When Laxus was going to release the thunder palace over Magnolia she got the members of Fairy Tail to put aside their difference after they were forced to fight each other.”

                Laxus’ eyes opened wide, and trembled in the new realization. “Lucy was the one who did that?”

                “She got the Celestial King to take Loke back to spirit world and even had him turn against me when he was under my control.” Zane stopped in front of the group of wizards. “So I’ll have her watch as I take all of the members she loves so much lose their lives right in front of her.” He narrowed his eyes. “However, Laxus is first on my list. So I’ll kill his little team starting with Freed the Dark.”

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