The Stars and Dragons as One

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    A bright light shot out of the forest. The trees that had died had returned to life with the darkness fading away, restoring the area back to normal. A soft breeze rolled over the area, blowing the three wizards’ hair back.


                Lucy was still in Laxus’ one arm embrace with her forehead pressed against his chest. The man’s tears had faded away and his old strength returned while Erza was simply relieved her two friends were alive.


                The sword that Laxus tried to use had rusted and broke apart. It turned to dust that flowed in the air. “DAMN YOU!!!!” The voice broke the sweet moment of peace, making all three wizards look up. The light that had shot out of the forest along with the destroyed sword shot up into a pair of magic circle that stood in midair that spun against each other.


                “What’s happening?” Lucy questioned.


                The circles turned into a light form, recreating Zane a physical form. He flipped back, sliding away from the three man team. Laxus turned around and stood up to face him along with Lucy and Erza. Zane stood up with a glare in his eyes.


                “Zane, how are you back?” Erza questioned. “You’re body was destroyed.” The S Class woman was filled with anger for what the man had done to her friends.


                “He uses an exchange magic, right?” Laxus said. His eyes were focused on his opponent from The Grand Magic Games.


                “Of course, since his spell failed to kill you two he must have gotten his body back,” Erza responded.


                “You damn fairies,” Zane cursed. “I’m going to make you pay.” He tilted his head to the side. “If I can’t get you to kill yourselves I’ll just have to do it will my own hands. Sore Joker: Curse Beast.” His eyes glowed a dark purple.


                A dark twister formed around the wizard, shooting high in the sky.




                Natsu looked in the direction of the twister. “What is that?”


                “Hey, isn’t that the same direction Erza went?” Happy asked.


                “Yeah, maybe if we’re lucky we’ll find Laxus and the other one there. Let’s go, Happy.” Natsu leaped off the hill he stood on.


                “Aye, sir.” Happy grabbed Natsu and flew in the direction of the dark energy.




                The twister vanished. Zane had transformed into a large demon three times Laxus’ size with armadillo’s armor on its back side along with a long shell tail, black fur for the front, and glass like red eyes.

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