Laxus vs. Zane

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    “The final battle of the first day is Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail B,” the announcer shouted over the loud speaker. The crowd cheered as Laxus walked into the arena, this was his second year at the Grand Magic Games. “Versus Zane Vainhope from Phoenix Wing.”

                Zane, a twenty something man with brown hair who was a lean muscular body dressed in a heavy coat and brown pants. The man wore a smug smile on his face. The two wizards stood across from each other.

                The crowd cheered.

                All the members from both Fairy Tail teams watched in excitement to see Laxus wiped the floor with the mysterious wizard none of them had seen before.

                “The great Laxus Dreyar are you prepared to lose?” Zane questioned.

                “Big talk for a nobody wizard,” Laxus responded.

                Zane smirked.

                “Let the battle begin!”

                Zane charged forward. He swung his fist forward at Laxus, Laxus charged up his fist with lightning and thrust it forward, hitting Zane right in his chest. Zane slid back, being unaffected by Laxus’ attack. “Nice try.”

                Laxus gripped his chest, shutting one of his eyes as he felt a pain in his chest. He clenched his teeth together. “What was that?”

                “Didn’t you see my attack, Laxus?” Zane questioned.

                “Don’t get cocky,” Laxus responded. He composed himself again and prepared himself for his next attack. He lifted his head. “Roar of the Thunder Dragon!” He brought his head back down and shot a wave of lightning from his mouth.

                Zane simply took a fighting stance. Laxus’ spell struck the man head on, creating a giant wave of smoke.

                Suddenly, Laxus was blasted back on his back to everyone’s surprise.

                The dust cleared to reveal that Zane was perfectly fine.

                Laxus managed to get off his back and onto one knee. He had one eye closed as he wiped his mouth with his teeth clenched. “I don’t understand what’s going on here. What type of magic is he using?” Electricity sparked from his body from his anger.

                The dragon slayer stood up. He glared at his opponent, trying to figure him out. It didn’t make any sense. He was certain that the man hadn’t shot anything at him and he hit the man straight out with his own so why was he the only one getting hurt.

                This was Phoenix Wing’s first year making it into the main completion of the Grand Magic Games and none of its wizards were well known enough for Laxus to even be curious about researching their abilities. But something about this wizard suddenly made him wish he had.

                Zane touched the top of his head like he was tilting a hat. “Well, aren’t you going to attack?”

                The crowd went wild, wanting the action to continue.

                Other then Natsu who was chanting for more action the members of both Fairy Tail teams looked suspicious about what was happening in the ring.

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