Thinking Deep • Y/N (A little of Rick)

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I have." I sighed.

"I'm g-g-getting old! I'll die soon!" He takes another sip from the bottle.

"Rick, please stop drinking this." I grab the bottle and set it aside.

"Yes, I know, death can be scary, but you know Rick, you can't be worrying about that, it's not good for you." I wipe away his tears.

"Your daughter, your grandkids, they are worry sick about you out there." I give him a look with such pity.

"T-they are?" He asked.

"Of course they are, they love you Rick." I hug him.

"But life is pointless." He sighed.

"Life is only pointless if you make it pointless." I told him.

"Life can be the greatest thing given to you, Rick. You meet people along the way that just make it greater, you do things that make it greater, the fact we can't take that for granted is what makes is special." I kiss his cheek.

"Being here, just being here, breathing the same air as you are, makes mine special." I blush a little.

"What about you?" I ask him.

"My daughter, My grandkids.." He pauses.

"You." He finally calms down.

"Suck up." I lightly shove him, he smiles.

"It's always nice to see that charming smile of yours." I smile with such happiness.

"It's nice to smile too." He chuckled.

"Are you done turning red?" He points to my face.

"I don't think so." I rub my neck, my face burning with such intense heat.

"Come on, you got a whole family worried about you in the living room."

I grab Rick's hand, he follows me, his feet dragging across the ground as if he was still half asleep.

"D-dad!" Beth hugged her father with such force.

"Hey Pumpkin." He pats her hair.

"See Dad, Y/N made Grandpa Rick feel better." Summer walks up to Rick and joins Beth the hug.

"Yeah, D-dad, you were wrong!" Morty joins into the hug too.

"What are you *rrp* guys talking about?" Rick asked hugging them all back with such lovely arms.

I let go of Rick's hand and join the hug too.

The hug ended, and I answered Rick's Question.

"Numb Nuts over here thought I made you starve yourself." I sigh.

"Ppfft.. ha, Ha, HA HAHAHAHAHA." Rick start to laugh really hard. We all look at him so confused.

"N-nu *Laughs* N-Nu-*Laughs* NUMB NUTS." Rick laughs so hard his start to cry, like his being suffocated.

I pinch him.

"Ouch!" Rick stopped laughing.

Everyone now looks at me all weird.

*Cough* "Pinching yourself, makes it so you stop laughing." I mumble.

"Oh." They all said.

"Wait a minute. Why did you say about her Jerry?" Rick walk up to Jerry, facing him, so close.

Rick grabs Jerry by the neck of his shirt and raises him up and sling him against the wall.

"B-BETH?!" Jerry screamed.

"It's not my fault Jerry, that you thought Y/n was a horrible person." Beth rolls her eyes.

"ISN'T SHE?" Jerry yelled.

"NO!" They all shouted.

"I've beat the shit out of you before Jerry, don't make me do it again." Rick groaned and dropped Jerry.

"Some family you are." Jerry starts to cry.

"Some Dad you are." Summer and Morty say leaving the room.

"Some Husband You Are." Beth leaves.

"Some Human Being You Are." Rick and I leave as well.

"I'd like to stay the night if you don't mind?" I ask Beth.

"Stay here as long as you'd like." Beth smiles and goes to her room.

"You heard her, I can stay as long as I'd like." I grab Rick and we head to the garage.

"Oh no." Rick rolls his eyes, smiling.
"Shut up, you know you like me." I tease.

Rick said something under his breath.

All I could make out of it was.

"Do.. love." That's all I heard.

Rick's little POV

"I do love you."




Shattered (Rick X Reader) (Completed) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now