11: Dreams

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When you get home, Cash runs up to you, licking your face.

"Hey buddy. Wanna go to bed?" He wags his tail.

Just then, dad gives you a hug.

"Good night, my favorite daughter."

"Dad, I'm your only daughter."

"You're still my favorite."

"Goodnight, Dad." You say, opening up the stair case so you can get to your room.

Cash runs up the stairs and Noodle follows. However, the golden pug struggles, so you pick her up.

When you get in there, you change into your pjs and turn out the lights, hopping into bed.

You are suddenly standing in an empty, black, abyss. Knowing exactly what' this is, you try to wake up, but you can't.

You can't breathe. All of your mistakes fill through your head. Every reason why you hate yourself flashes all at once.

Then, you see it.

It's a noose. Hands are pushing you to it. It's getting harder to breathe and your vision is getting blurrier.

Just as your head is being forced into it, you wake up.

Someone's calling you.

Assuming it's Mikey, you put the phone up to your ear.

"Hello?" You say, breathe shaking, hands trembling, body sweating. Tears are forming and your voice sounds terrified.

"Hey y/n, sorry to bother you. But, I left my sketchbook at your house. Can you bring it to me tomorrow?"



"Sorry, I'm just a bit surprised. You're the last person I'd expect a call from at this hour."

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah. It's probably for the best though."

"For the best? What does that me-"

"I'll bring it tomorrow." You day and hang up.

"SWEAR TO SHAKE IT UP IF YOU SWEAR TO LISTEN!!!!!!!!" He calls you again.

You decline it, and he keeps calling you. Deciding that he won't stop, you answer it.

"Y/n, is everything okay?"

"I-I'm okay."

"No you're not." You sigh.

"Listen, I'm coming to your house. Just wait for me."

"Gee, you really don't have to." You say, crying.

"Yes I do. Open the window when I knock, okay?"


"I'll be over in five." He says and hangs up.

Why's he doing this?

You let your dog and then hear a knock on the window.

You look and he's there.

You reluctantly open it and he crawls in.

"Why are you here?"

"You sounded like you were gonna do something bad. I'm here to talk."

"Gerard, I'm fine."

"Then why the hell are you sweating so much? Why is your voice shaky along with your hands? Why are you crying? And why aren't you making any snarky remarks? I knew something was up when you didn't call me an idiot or some shit for leaving my stuff here."

You breakdown, hugging Gerard, falling into the hug.

"I had the dream again."

He leads you to the bed and you both sit down.


"I keep having dreams where my anxiety sky rockets and a force keeps forcing me into a noose. I'm so terrified. The dream hasn't happened in a while, but I'm too scared to tell my dad because I don't want him worrying about me." You say, sobbing.

"Hey, you'll be okay. Someone as cool as you shouldn't want to kill themselves. You don't deserve this. You're a good friend, and you're really talented. Please, talk to someone about your feelings. People care."

"You're just saying that."

"No I'm not."

"You probably secretly hate me. Just like everyone else."

"No, I don't. I like annoying you, but I'm still here for you. You'll be okay."

You just cry into his chest.  He hugs you, and you feel safe.

You're not getting a crush. He's just a friend and you don't want feelings getting in the way. He's like Mikey.

"Is there anything I can do to help you out?"

"I-I think I'll be okay."

"Are you sure? I can stay here if you want."

"That actually helped. I-I'll manage."  You say, feeling a bit better.

"Don't hesitate to call me if you're feeling bad. Promise that you won't do anything?" Gerard says, looking into your soul.

"I promise."  And it's the truth.

"I'll see you at school, y/n. For the love of god, stay safe."


"Besides, baby, someone as pretty as you shouldn't feel like this." He says, winking.

"Wait what?" You ask, but by the time you get that out, he is out of the window.

"Did he just flirt with me?" You ask Cash. The dog looks at you and lays his head on your lap.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" You wonder out loud.

You put on some calm Green Day songs and quickly fall asleep.

This time, your dream isn't one you can remember, but it's comforting.

You feel better when you wake up, so you don't stay in bed until the last second. 

Today might be a nice day.

Unexpected:  Gerard Way X Reader PERMANENTLY DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now