1: Not quite school yet (thank god)

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That's what your room looks like, but you can change up the colors. And this song is lit so I gave you some music to listen to while reading :-]

You recently moved because of your dad's bullshit job and now you have to go to a new school. You love your parents, you really do, but you wish you wouldn't have to move. It doesn't happen very often, you've only moved twice, but you hate being the new kid. People look at you and it's like. "What the fuck do you want??"

You absolutely hate people. They're all assholes who only talk shit and make questionable fashion choices because their hair is some of the worst shit you've seen. Who the FUCK thought man buns were a good idea???

You, or the narrator forcing opinions and backstories down or throat, could rant on about how much you hate people, but you have shit to do. Boxes don't unpack themselves and you wish they would. Someone should invent something like that. They would make so much money.

"Y/n, come help me out with unpacking!!!! We can get pancakes after!!!!" Your dad yells. You love your dad so much. He's a dork and never gets mad. People love him and so do you. However despite him seeming so cheery, sometimes you'll hear him late at night crying about how much he misses your mom.

You've only ever seen pictures of her and you have barely any memory of her. She died when you were only 3 and it took a huge toll on your dad. From what you could tell, they were soulmates. You wish she was still alive so you could actually know her. Or at the very least, remember her more. It's a bit weird when people in your family talk about how amazing she was and you don't have any opinion on her. It's a strange feeling knowing that she had such an impact on people, but virtually none on you.

"Y/n!!" Your dad calls, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"COMING!!!!!" You yell and run down stairs. Your dad let you have the entire fucking attic as your room so there would be a room for him and a guest room, since this is a small house. You love your attic room.

"So did you finally decide to enter this realm and help your old man?" Dad asks playfully.

"Yes I have. Consider this a blessing." You both laugh and unpack quickly.

"I got your stringed lights that all of you hipsters love." Dad says, throwing you a box with the lights that you adore so much. You set it down so you can set it up later. Your room is going to be. L i t.

"Thanks Pete." You say, referencing your favorite band consisting of middle aged dads.

"Where did Pete come from?"

"Nevermind that. Are we going to grab pancakes?" You ask, hungry for the fluffy breakfast food.

"Let's go you hungry hippo."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"No, I'm calling you a hungry hippo. There was not a single word indicating that you were fat."

"Dad, I was joking."

"Here, Let's go eat you hungry person."

"Let's just get there before things get busy." You say, hoping you won't be late for pancakes.

You get in the car and drive to the IHOP. Luckily, you won't be late since it's 6:24 in the morning. The IHOP is open this early so disgusting morning people can eat. You're only up this early because your sleep schedule is still a bit messed up.

"We're here child. Behold, the glorious IHOP full of all of your breakfast food desires." Dad says, doing a dramatic arm gesture in front of the building, and old couple looking at him weirdly.

You run into the building like a child running into a candy shop. The smell of (Hot Cocoa/Coffee/Tea) awakening your senses.

Dad walks in the building, a bit surprised that you ran in there.

"Woah there, kid. You're acting like you haven't eaten in days." He says.

"Maybe I HAVEN'T, father." You say, hungry.

"I know that's a lie because I heard a certain band-obsessed kid going through the fridge at 3 AM." He says, calling you out.

"Let's eat."

A waitress shows you to your table and you order some (Hot Chocolate/Coffee/Tea/Another Drink) while you decide what type of pancakes you should eat.

You settle on blueberry pancakes with a shitload of whip cream and strawberries. You count it as eating healthier since there's fruit involved and shut your dad down when he mentions the whip cream.

"I am a strong independent woman, father. I am strong enough to ask for extra whip cream."

"I don't think describing it as 'A Shitload of whip cream. Like, bigger than Mount Everest.' is not a very womanly thing to say, but I'm sure that made the waitress' day."

You sip on your drink and the food arrives, with a lot of whip cream on yours. You will tip her for that.

You eat your food and you're absolutely stuffed, but you're still awake enough to feel someone staring at you.

You turn around and see a boy wearing a black beanie with brown hair, glasses, and a jawline sharper than a block of cheddar cheese staring at you, blushing a little. He's quite handsome, actually.

You walk up to him.

"Can I help you?"

"U-Um, you just moved here, right?" He asks, a bit surprised that you talked to him.

"Yeah, why?" You ask a bit confused.

"I saw the moving truck and was wondering if I could show you around sometime. You're going to Colby Jack High, right?"

"Yeah, at least I'm not going to Boyardee High, I heard that someone got expelled for bringing a fucking katana there."

"Yeah, those things happen. So what's your name?"

"I'm l/n, y/n l/n."

"Way, Mikey Way." You both laugh at your way of introducing names. Perhaps you can be the next James Bond.

"Well, Mr. Way, how about we keep in touch? I can give you my number."

"Here's my phone so you can put it in." He says, handing it to you.

You put your contact as, "May Or May Not Be A Serial Killer" and hand it back to Mikey.

"Nice name."

"Thanks. See you around Mikey?"

"I'll see you. Good luck adjusting to this shitty town."

"Thanks, Don't be a stranger." You say, and go to your dad.

He has this look on his face. It's the overprotective dad look.

"Is he your new boyfriend?"

"Dad we just met, calm down. His name's Mikey and he sees pretty nice. He didn't try anything and now I have someone to show me around town."

"As long as he doesn't try anything at all."

"Oh my god. Let's go home, I'm pretty full."

"Good idea." Dad replies and you both leave the diner, ready for a nap because naps are great.

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