Another Bet.

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Jenna's pov
We decided on watching Pitch Perfect, I love that movie so much... well, normally.
As much as I wanted to enjoy the movie I just couldn't get the bet out of my mind. It's bothering me. I'm getting kind of worried for Jonah. I just think this whole bet is so stupid.
Once the movie finishes I feel a wave of tiredness wash over me.
"Alright I'm getting pretty tired I think I'm gonna go upstairs." I say yawning realizing what time it is.
"Same." Says Val trying to wiggle out of Zach's tight grip giggling.
"Come on girls let's head upstairs." I say.
The rest of the girls stand up, the guys groaning and pouting from letting go.
I turn around and peck Jonah's lips. Once I reconnect he tries to connect again.
I giggle.
"If I can do this type of stuff in a week I might as well get it all done now." He mumbles in the kiss.

Alexis' pov
Once Jonah says this the rest of the boy's eyes go wide. I feel Jack instantly connect his lips to mine. Out of the corner of my eye I can see every other guy do the same to their girl. I giggle and instantly kiss back. I love kissing Jack. It just feels so right. For a whole week I can't do this anymore. I enjoy the kiss while it lasts. Once I run out of air, I let go of the kiss and  the rest of the girls to do the same. We all wave good night and walk upstairs.
"How about we chill in my room tonight." I suggest smiling.
"Omg yesss. Girls night!" Says Nicole excitedly.
"More like girls chat, we have something to discuss." Seriously replies Jenna.
We all look at her confused.
"Oh come on we're just gonna forgot all about the stupid bet the boys made." Asks Jenna rolling her eyes.
"I didn't forget. But why talk about it? There's nothing we can do anyways." Says Taylor.
"Oh really?... girls get changed and meet in Alexis' room in 5 min." Orders Jenna.
"Yes mom!" The rest of us reply.
We all run into our rooms and close the doors.
I throw on some super comfy pyjamas.

Soon one by one the rest of the girls start gathering in closing the door behind them

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Soon one by one the rest of the girls start gathering in closing the door behind them.

Jenna's pyjamas

Taylor's pyjamas

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Taylor's pyjamas

Taylor's pyjamas

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Val's pyjamas

All we're missing is Nicole

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All we're missing is Nicole.
"Wait where's Nicole?" I Ask.
The girls shrug.
After 5 minutes of waiting for her we get impatient.
"Where is she?" Asks Taylor getting annoyed.
"Not sure. Someone should go look for her." Suggests Jenna.
We all look at her.
"Ughh fine I'll look." She grunts.
We all smiling in return.
"Why am I always in these situations." She says chuckling and rolling her eyes.
She walks to open the door.

Jenna's pov
As I'm about to open the door I can hear sounds on the other side of it.
I look to the girls confused.
"Do you guys hear that?" I Ask.
The girls try to listen.
"Ya. What's that?" Asks Alexis.
I shrug. I put my ear to the door and hear some very familiar sounds. I smirk knowing exactly what it is.
"I think I know. Watch this." I say chuckling.
I stand back and open the door... to see Nicole and Daniel fall right in.

Nicole's pyjamas

The rest of us giggle

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The rest of us giggle.
Nicole blushes in embarrassment.
"What? You didn't get enough today already?" Asks Val giggling. This made the rest of us laugh harder, even the couple.
"And why did you even come up here?" I Ask.
"Couldn't resist." Said Daniel looking at Nicole. You can basically see the hearts in his eyes.
"I should go now." He says awkwardly standing up since he was still laying on top of Nicole.
While he stands up we all clearly notice his boner. Ohhh Daniel must've been getting some. I almost feel bad for interrupting... but no it was hilarious so I don't care that much.
"Aye Daniel. Tell your little friend to calm down there." Says Taylor giggling.
He blushes and winks at Nicole.
We all laugh in response.
We walks out closing the door behind him.
"Alright now that we're ALL here now." I say look at Nicole. She blushes.
"Let's chat." I say.
We eat sit on Alexis' bed getting comfy.
"Alright, speak." Says Val.
"Ok so... I don't have a very good feeling about this bet." I uneasily say.
Taylor sighs.
"Me neither. It just sounds... dumb, and also kinda torturous." Says Taylor.
"And why did they make this decision, shouldn't we have a say in this too?" Asks Nicole starting to get a little angry.
"Ya. Exactly. It's all because of their stupid pride thing." Says Alexis clearly irritated by this whole bet situation. Personally I just think she's upset because every second her and Jack make out. But hey, who am I kidding? Jonah and I were the first to mate. And I have a feeling we'd like to do so again... I guess not soon.
"I'm really not too about it." Plainly says Val.
"You're not mad?" Asks Taylor.
"Heck no." Says says kinda chuckling.
"In fact..." Say starts smirking. This grabs our attention. We all look at her.
"I say we have a little fun with this."
Hey guysss. Srry if this was a short chapter. Plus I wanted a good cliffhanger lol. Also I gotta study for my exams so I might be a little absent for a while. Just wanted to put out this chapter just to give u guys something just in case I don't update for a while (due to exams). So ya. Hope u enjoyed it.

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