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Daniel's pov
"On behalf of all of us. We really wanna say thank you for saving us." Nicole says smiling.
"Anything for you girls." Corbyn says.
"Hey, so since we're all good now. How about we get to know each other better. Maybe without fighting this time." Jack says.
We all slightly laugh.
"How about we all split into partners." I suggest hoping to get Nicole.
The girls look at each other unsure.
"Why partners?" Val asks.
"We can get to know each other better one on one." Says Zach a little too excitedly looking at Val.
"I'll take Alexis." Jack says smiling.
Alexis looks shocked but almost a little happy.
"Taylor can go with me." Says Corbyn looking at Taylor. Taylor just looks at the girls.
"Val and I can be partners." Says Zach excited.
Val smirks at him laughing. He smirks back. And then there's me, struggling to even volunteer to be Nicole's partner.
"I... I'll go with Nicole." I stumbled out.
Nicole slightly blushed.
Wait what she blushed?
Maybe she likes me...
I smile a little too big.
"Jenna." Jonah mumbles.
We all go to different places with our partners.
Taylor and Corbyn went to the kitchen. Val and Zach went to the rocks in our backyard. Jack and Alexis went to the living room upstairs. Jonah and Jenna went near the pool. I decided to take Nicole to the living room downstairs. The girls didn't look so thrilled being separated from each other. I feel kinda bad. We've already done so much to them. The only thing they had left were each other.
We sit down on the couch.
"Hey, why do you look so guilty?" Asks Nicole.
"I just feel bad for everything." I say.
"You... you feel bad?" Asks Nicole.
"Of course we do. None of us wanted it to be this way believe me." I say.
There's silence.
"Well I'm sorry for causing so much trouble for you guys. Especially last night." She says looking me straight in the eyes.
"Look, I really don't blame you for trying to leave. This is very new to you." I say.
She kisses my forehead.
"Thanks. For everything. The beautiful house. Unlimited food. For saving us. " She says smiling.
I blush.
"Anywhere else you wanna kiss?" I say pretending to think.
She kisses my cheek.
"And..." I say laughing a little.
"Missed a spot." I smirk.
She pepper kisses all around my face.
While laughing.
She missed my lips. But I don't wanna rush it.
"How about we get to know each other a little bit better." She suggests.
"So... what's your favourite colour?" I Ask.
She giggles.
"Come on you can ask better questions than that." She says laughing.
I chuckle too.
"Ok... what's your aspiration in life?" I Ask.
She makes a thinking face.
"Hmmm... well I'd love to be an artist. I've loved drawing since I was a kid. Of course my parents don't think that it's very practical though." She says.
"What about you?" She Asks smiling.
"Music is my everything. Kind of like how you are with art. My parents support me but they've warned me about the struggles of living this dream." I say.
"Guess we have something in common." She says smiling.
She's so beautiful.
"You have an amazing smile." I say looking into her eyes.
She instantly looks away shaking her head.
"No don't be shy. You're beautiful." I say.
She looks up again.
I look at her lips as she does the same.
I lean in and she does too.
We're like centimetres away from each other.
As we brush lips she turns her head smiling. She kisses my check instead.
"You still missed a spot." I said fake pouting.
She giggles.
I could listen to that giggle all day.

Corbyn's pov
"If you were a crayon colour it would be apricot??" Says Taylor laughing.
We actually hit it off right away.
She hilarious, and beautiful. She's perfect inside and out.
"Ya but what about you? What kinda colour is macaroni and cheese." I say chuckling.
"That is most definitely a colour and if it's not than that's not a world I wanna live in." She says.
I laugh at her response.
"Hey can I touch your hair?" She Asks.
I look at her confused.
"When I was a fan. I always wanted to know what your hair felt like." She says giggling. I just shake my hair smiling and head down for her to feel.
She runs her hand through my hair. It feels nice.
"Actually." She continues talking.
"You were my favourite." She says smiling looking at me still playing with my hair.
"Were?" I Ask, acting fake hurt.
"Fine... you ARE my favourite." She says smiling.
I get butterflies in my stomach.
I was her favourite. I mean... am her favourite. That must mean she feels a connection too. I can definitely feel it.

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