Should've Stayed.

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Alexis' pov
We're free. It feels kinda weird. It's like something is pulling me back to the house. I'm just trying to ignore that feeling. Now we can go home.
"Guys. I think I know where our house is. It's pretty close to here." Says Jenna.
It's so dark at right now. Which makes sense since it's like 12:00am in the morning right now. It's kinda creepy though. And I don't recognize this neighbourhood.
"Guys I'm getting some bad vibes about this place." I say nervously.
"Oh come one Lexi it's ok." Reassures Val.
"I don't know guys I'm scared too." Says Nicole shaking a little.
"Come on I'm sure we're almost home." Taylor says.
We see a bright like coming our way.
It's a car. Who could be driving this late?
The car pulls up beside us.
"Hey pretty ladies? What are you guys going out so late?" Some person asks.
We all back away.
I get a good look at them.
It's some dude... ew he looks so nasty and dirty. 
"Don't be shy I don't bite." He says creepily smiling.
We back away even more.
He stops the car and gets out.
"Come on girls I'll take you home." He says.
I don't trust him or believe him.
"Still not talking?" He says coming right up to us.
"Come on." He says and grabs onto my wrist.
"AHHHHH!!!" I scream in fear.

Jack's pov
"Ahh!!" I shouted waking up from my sleep.
Why did I wake up? And why do I feel... scared. What's happening?
... oh no. Alexis!
I jump out of bed and run to her room.
She's not in here.
I run into the girl's living room.
Then I see all the boys come out of each girls living room.
They must've felt it too.
"Where are they?!" I yell.
The boys shrug.
"They actually left." Said Zach wiping a tear from his face.
Daniel runs his hands through his hair in stress.
Corbyn collapses onto the couch.
Am Jonah... well he looks, broken. Like we all are, but him... something's up.
"Jonah you ok?" I Ask concerned.
"She left me." He just barely whispered.
I looked down.
I can't believe they left. But then again... of course they did. We shouldn't of kidnapped them. We could've done this another way. Ughh we're so stupid.
But wait...
"How did they leave? Everything's locked." I say in confusion.
We all look at each other.
Guess the boys had the same idea too because we all bolt downstairs. We go to the backyard and go around to the front.
Oh my God.
They went out through the gate.
"Who gave them the keys?!" Asked Daniel in anger.
Jonah looked even more broken than before.
"She used me." He whispered.
"What?" Asked Corbyn.
"She used me." He repeated a bit louder emotionlessly just staring at the gate.
"Speak up dude!" Yelled Zach.
"She used me!" He shouted grabbing the keys from the gate and whipping them across the backyard.
"What do you mean?" I softly asked.
He collapsed to the ground in tears.
I've never seen him this upset before. Not ever since they announced they're ending the Harry Potter movies.
"Explain." Said Daniel kneeling down beside him. Everyone was a bit calmer. We noticed how upset Jonah is right now and we don't wanna make him more upset.
"Last night. She came into my room and apologized for everything. Then we kissed and it turned into a make out... she... must've... grabbed the keys." He chocked out breathing deeply.
"Oh man. Ouch." Said Zach.
"I thought she loved me. I thought I actually might've had a chance." He mumbled.
"But no. She just used me to escape. I was just apart of their plan." He says getting louder and angrier.
He calmed down again taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry guys. It's all my fault. I gave in to her. I let her use me." He says.
Poor guy. That must really burn.
"It's ok man. Anyone of us would've done the exact same. You couldn't control yourself we understand." I say patting his back.
There's a short pause of silence.
"Was she good though?" Asks Zach smirking.
All the boys expect Jonah glare it him.
Really Zach? Not the time buddy.
Jonah somehow managed to let out a small laugh.
"She was... more than I could've ever imagined." He says kinda smiling.
The rest of us smile.
"Ooooh... Jonah got sommeeeee!!" Says Corbyn cupping his hands over his mouth.
Jonah's smile fades.
"But she didn't mean it. She just wanted the keys." He says frowning once more.
I feel a wave of anxiety rush over me. Even worse than when I woke up. I think the boys feel it too.
"Owwww!" I reach for my ankle.
I look up realizing what this means.
"They're in trouble." I say.
"I can feel it."

Alexis' pov
All the girls pull me away from him and we start to run.
"Somebody help us!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
Ughh we're in the middle of no where there's no use.
He catches up to us.
Ohh hell no I am not getting kidnaped again.
I trip and fall.
"OW!" I yell in pain.
I think I rolled my ankle. It's not broken or even sprained. Rolled ankles heal in like a week. But first getting it... it hurts like hell. I can't stand up.
"Now girls. Running away isn't nice." He says smiling again.
The girls run up to me trying to help me up. There's no use.
Jenna gets in front of us.
"Leave us alone!!" She yells.
"Don't use that tone with me young lady." He says in an angered deep voice.
We're all terrified. I'm starting to regret leaving. I wanna be with them! With them! With Jack...
I wanna be with Jack.
I can feel his presence. It's so weird. I can feel him approaching.
Oh Gosh I hope I'm right.
"Now girls. Get in the car!" He yells.
I quickly crawl away as the girls stay at my pace. I can't believe they stayed with me. But then again these are my girls. I'm so grateful to  have them. He jumps at me grabbing my ankle.
"Gotchu now you little brat!" He yells dragging me back to the car.
"Owww owwww! Please stop! Owww!" I scream in agony.
The girls grab my arms trying to pull me away from him.
Jenna runs up and punches the man in the face. He's not even fazed by it. What the heck!?
He grabs Jenna by the hair and yanks it.
"Get your hands off of her you creep!" Yells Val jumping on his back and grabbing his neck. The rest of the girls attack him while Taylor stays to comfort me.
He manages to throw everyone off of him.
I close my eyes and cry.
All of a sudden I hear a car stoping. I feel a pair of warm arms scoop me up. I cuddle into their chest. It's so comforting.
I hear people fighting behind me. I look back to see the man unconscious on the road. I turn back around and cry. Soaking up the persons shirt. They rub my back and kiss my forehead.
"Everything's gonna be ok." He says.
I know that voice.
________________________________ Hey guyssss! Wowww that chapter was intense. I hope y'all liked it. I've been reading your comments and I'm really happy to see that people enjoy this book. Honestly I was a little nervous at first since this definitely isn't a new concept for a story I didn't know if people were tired of it or there's already a better book out there with the same plot. I'll try to update soon. Especially since I left u on a big cliffhanger... hehehe srry. Okie. Byeee!!!

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