Give me answers, or die!

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Just saying, this chapter has a lot more cuss words than it usually does.

I returned to the Slytherin table to be immediately bombarded by questions about how I knew that Nate was a spy working for Kronos. I raised my hand and everyone went silent instantly.

"I knew Nate was a spy because I had a dream about it, which I literally just mentioned like one minute ago. Anyways, dreams for demigods aren't normal like yours. We dream about stuff that happened in the past, or stuff that is happening right now." I explained.

"That's really cool! I want to be a demigod and have cool powers!" A first year Slytherin said excitedly. My eyes narrowed at the kid and I felt many emotions rise up inside me. I thought about the wars I've been thrown into, and how I've been used as a pawn for the Gods that were too lazy to do any of their shit.

The Slytherin's must've noticed the change in my expression because they looked down at their food and tried to avoid looking at my face.

"Trust me." I said slowly, my voice soft and cold. "You do not want to be a demigod. Most of us die at an early age. Most of us don't even make it past the age of 20. If you value your life, you would take that wish back."

The Slytherin that had spoken quickly looked away from me, his face paling drastically. I felt a pressure on my hand and I glanced over to see Annabeth looking at me with worry evident in her stormy gray eyes.

"Percy, it isn't the time to be thinking about this." She started, but I shook my head. "It actually is. Kronos is marching his golden ass over here with his fucking army ready to declare war on Hogwarts and everyone here. And wow, what a dam surprise! He wants me dead."

Annabeth looked pained, but she didn't say anything. Probably because she didn't need to after what I said.

The Slytherin's were staring at us in silence, but as I looked at them, I saw sudden determination shining their eyes. "We're not going to let Kronos kill you, Percy." Draco said from the end of the table.

I raised an eyebrow at that. "How exactly are you going to stop a Titan, the King no less, from killing me? You don't even know how to properly wield a sword."

"Maybe if you train us extra hard, then I would be able to thrust a sword through Kronos's heart." Draco countered, meeting my gaze. We both stared at each other for a few more moments before I broke eye contact and looked around once more at the Slytherin's.

They were all nodding in agreement at what Draco had said. "Train us harder, Percy! Push us to our limits so that when Kronos comes, we can beat their asses back to where they came from!" Pansy shouted.

"That is a bad thing to tell Percy." Annabeth muttered. "Train you harder means that you'll be pushed through hell. Not literally."

"We don't give two shits." Blaise interrupted. "We're going to need all the training we can get if we actually want to have a shot at this war. Heck, we didn't even know what demigods and titans and monsters were in the first place until you showed up!"

The others Slytherin's nodded in agreement. "I'm scared to shit, but I would let you push us through hell if it means we've actually got a decent chance at fighting Kronos." Another Slytherin said.

I glanced at Annabeth, and she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "If that is their wish, then you will grant it." "They're so going to regret this." I murmured but I turned back to the Slytherin's and raised my voice.

"I will train you all, but no one can complain. Why? Because you asked me to do this, and I'm not the most merciful person out there." None of the Slytherin's said anything. Instead, they roared their approval by slamming their fists onto the table and cheering my name.

Percy Jackson, The Heir of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now