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I reappeared in the Slytherin common room with Annabeth and the portal disappeared behind us. I was so tired and drained. Emotionally, and physically.

I collapsed in a couch and buried my face in my hands. "I can't believe I broke down like that. I'm fucking Percy Jackson, the legendary demigod hero everyone looks up to. And I cried over a few deaths. Who am I kidding, I'm not cut out for this."

I felt a soft, warm hand on my shoulder and I glanced up to see Annabeth smiling sadly at me. She knelt down next to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Percy, it's okay to cry. We're all human, we all have feelings."

I leaned my head against her shoulder and exhaled softly. "Okay. How would I be able to live without you, Wise Girl?" Annabeth laughed softly and whispered in his ear "You wouldn't be able to in the first place."

I smiled and stood up, looking at my beautiful girlfriend. "Well Annabeth, I think we should get some rest as well." She pursed her lips but I clearly saw the dark circles underneath her eyes.

"If we dream about something shitty, most likely we will, its fine. It's fine because I know you're so close to me." I said. Annabeth laughed and mused "I suppose that's true."

We walked upstairs to the dormitory and I pushed open the door and crept silently inside, careful to not wake anyone else up. Annabeth followed right behind me and I watched as she climbed into bed and pulled up the covers.

"Good night, seaweed brain." She whispered and I smiled as she fell asleep. I turned to my bed and sat at the edge of it, thinking about what Harry had told me before I ruined his common room.

"Kronos is after me. Again, not a surprise." I muttered, looking out the window at the twilight sky. The stars twinkled merrily at me.

I glanced at my bed and saw how inviting it was. The pillow looked so soft... the blankets looked so warm.... I shook my head and groaned softly. "I hate being a demigod." I sighed before I fell onto my bed and entered the realm of Morpheus.

I was floating in midair, floating after a boy about my age with purple hair and purple eyes. Who the hell would want to dye their hair purple anyways? It looks weird.

I tried to get a better look at the boy's face but it was pretty dark in the hallway we were waling in. Well... I was floating, he was walking.

(I actually really want to dye my hair, ugh my hair is so plain 😭)

The boy had a dagger clutched in his right hand and he seemed extremely nervous. The hallway we were walking in opened up into a vast, spacious room.

I floated after the boy and saw that he knelt before a man sitting on a golden throne. His eyes... His eyes were solid gold. My heart beat painfully in my chest as I stared at Kronos, the titan lord. My first evil grandfather.


The boy remained silent and still before Kronos spoke. His voice sent chills down my spine, even though I wasn't actually there. "Rise, young one. What news have you bright me today?" The boy rose unsteadily to his feet and I took a double-take.

The boy standing in front of Kronos was no other than the boy I shared a dormitory with. Nate....and whatever his last name was. Anger boiled inside me and I mentally clenched my fists. That lying bastard. He was a spy for Kronos all along!

"Lord Kronos. I have received news from another one of your loyal spies that your grandson has caused quite a commotion in the Gryffindor common room today. He was... let's see.... breaking down from all the guilt about his dead friends. Apparently he thinks it was his fault they died. His father, Poseidon, even had to come down and calm him." Nate said.

Kronos' golden eyes gleamed and he smiled, sitting forwards in his throne and clasping his hands together. "Ah. This information might be useful to me, then. When we meet on the battlefield, I'll use that to my advantage."

Nate bowed again, his purple eyes showing excitement that he had helped the titan lord in a way. "What an excellent idea, my lord."

Kronos regarded Nate for a moment before leaning back in his throne. "What a shame you aren't a demigod, boy. You would make a good asset for my team." Nate scowled. "I am ashamed in my wizard up-bringing as well, my lord. I wished I would've been a better asset to you as well."

I wanted so badly to tear this kid's head off of his neck and watch as the life leaves his eyes. I know I sound insane, but do I really care? Nope, not at all.

Plus, how did Nate even manage to pledge his loyalty to Kronos anyways? And how did Nate manage to leave the dorm without Percy knowing and get to wherever Kronos was so fast?

Kronos nodded and waved a dismissive hand. "You may leave. Your information was valuable to our cause." Nate nodded before turning and leaving the room, and as he did, I was pulled away from the realm of Morpheus.

I woke up with a gasp, and I sat up and pulled the blankets off of me. I slid out of bed, and my eyes were drawn to Nate's bed. It was empty, just as I suspected.

"If he ever shows his face here again, which he probably will, I will fucking murder him and scatter his essence into Tartarus." I growled to myself.

I pulled on some new clothing before moving over to Annabeth's bed. She was still asleep and her blond hair was all over the place. I smirked. And I thought I was lazy.

"Annabeth! Annabeth, wake up, I have something very important to tell you!" I hissed into her ear. Her gray eyes snapped open and her fist collided with my face, sending me to the ground in pain.

"Shit Annabeth, what was that for?" I shouted, holding my now probably bruised cheek. Around me, Draco and Blaise were stirring in their sleep, muttering something about how loud and annoying I was.

Annabeth sat up, glowering at me. "You don't just hiss into someone's ear, Percy! Especially when it's your girlfriend!"

"No seriously, I have something really serious to talk about." I said, climbing to my feet. Annabeth looked at me for a good ten seconds before shaking her head and patting the space beside her on the bed.

"You sound angry about something, so spill." She said as I sat down beside her. I told her everything about my dream. Nate's betrayal, Kronos using Nate's information about me to his advantage. When I was finished, Annabeth was staring at me with worry evident in her expression.

"That lying piece of shit, once I get my hands on him I'll-" I interrupted her by pressing my lips against hers. I then whispered in her ear "I already talked about ripping him into pieces and throwing the rest of his body into Tartarus."

Annabeth shoved me and I nearly fell off the bed. "Don't interrupt me ever again." She said, a smirk dancing on her lips.

I was about to respond when Draco called "Hey, you do know that breakfast started like five minutes ago? If you want food, you should hurry and get ready." 

"Styx!" I cursed, jumping off of Ananbeth's bed and running over to the door. "I want food!"

"Of course you do." Annabeth muttered as she stood up and pulled on her clothes over her pjs. She joined me at the door, and when we were about to leave, I took one final look at Nate's empty bed. 

"Hey Annabeth, go on without me for a moment. I need to check something." I said, my eyes still narrowed at Nate's bed. Annabeth could tell that I really wanted to be alone so she answered "Of course seaweed brain, I'll see you soon." 

I waited until the door to the dorm swung shut before I started to think about how Nate managed to get to Kronos so fast. 

Word count: 1425

Wow I finally updated after like a week and a half. Sorry about that, I just had no movitivation this week due to personal issues.

Thanks for the support everyone.

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