Another war?

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I felt extremely guilty as I helped Harry settle Percy's unconscious body into a chair. I knew I shouldn't have stunned him, and I was afraid that when Percy realized that I liked Ron, he was going to tell Ron.

Harry brushed some of Percy's raven black hair away from the teens forehead before collapsing into an armchair himself. Ron came back into the common room moments after and sent Harry and I a confused look. "So why did you have to send me outside for?"

Harry glanced at me and smirked. I took a deep breath before looking Ron straight in the eyes. "Ron.....After the war with Voldemort, I developed some strong feelings for you. I didn't want you to know, that's why I created this much of a fuss. It's okay.... It's okay if you don't like me back." I said, lowering my gaze from Ron and clenching my fists.

There was silence in the common room before I heard footsteps and felt Ron move up to stand beside me. He surprised me by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in. "Hermione, I honestly thought you were smarter than this." Ron breathed in my ear. "You think I would reject you?"

I blushed crimson as he leaned even closer. "I won't ever reject you. Why? Because I love you as much as you love me."

Harry wolf-whistled in the background as I smiled and crashed my lips onto his. Just as I was about to deepen the kiss, a cough that wasn't Harry's interrupted us. I pulled away from Ron and turned to see Percy sitting upright in the chair, staring at Ron and I.

Ron blushed as Percy's green eyes looked back and forth between us before he said "Ah, I kinda expected that." Ron opened his mouth to retort when I held up my hand. I looked at Percy and said "I'm sorry for acting the way I had acted before. I shouldn't have stunned you."

Percy shrugged, a grin making his way onto his face. "Hey hey, we're good. Just don't ever do that again."

I nodded, grateful that Percy had forgiven me so easily. We all sat in silence for a long moment, Ron idly playing with my hair while I gazed into the fire. Finally, Percy spoke, and when he did, his voice sounded quite grim.

"I overheard a bunch of teachers talking earlier today." He said, and I tore my eyes away from the fire to glance at him. "About what?"

Percy grimaced and put a hand to his forehead. He heastied for a long moment before muttering "They were talking about another war. The enemy, I do not know who it is, the teachers didn't say."

I gasped, and Harry and Ron looked stunned. Looks of horror and anger appeared on their faces. "Another war? We lost so many people during the war with your grandfather, Percy. We all lost so many people we cared about. Now another one?" Harry cried.

Percy held up his hands. "And the teachers were debating kicking me out of the school once they found out I was Voldemort's grandson. Well, it was mainly Professor McGonagall. But anyways, one of the teachers said that I would be a powerful asset in this war. I'm being used just as you all are."

I looked at Percy in sympathy as he lowered his hands and rubbed tiredly at his face. The boy in front of me was no more than 18 years old and he had been through two wars and was now about to be thrown into a third.

Harry and Ron knew I was thinking because they both rose to their feet and approached Percy. "We'll all get through this. We have to." Ron said, placing a hand on Percy's shoulder. Harry put his hand on Percy's other shoulder.

"We'll fight as hard as we can until our dying breaths. We'll protect each other to the very end. We won't lose to this enemy." Harry said firmly.

Percy Jackson, The Heir of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now