What the hell is going on?

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Ron (Because I want every character to get a point of view.)

I stood with Harry and Hermione as we all stared out of the window in disbelief.  If you are wondering what the hell we are doing at 3AM, well, we're spying on Perseus Achilles Jackson.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked, pointing at a shimmering image as it appeared in front of Perseus, scaring the shit out of him. His hand instinctively reached towards his pocket where he probably kept his deadly pen.

"I don't know." Hermione pressed her face against the window until her eyes widened. "Ron, Harry, there are faces in that image!"

"What do they look like?" Harry asked, shoving me aside to get a closer view. I pushed him back and he nearly collided with the wall. "Ron, what the hell?!"

"Don't shove me." I said angrily. Harry opened his mouth to retort when Hermione said loudly "SHHHH!" Harry and I glared at each other for a few more moments before we turned back to the window.

Perseus was talking to the image, and in the image I could make out a girl with blonde hair and stormy gray eyes, and an old man with a scruffy beard.

I suddenly jumped back in shock when Perseus started to yell. I only heard snatches of what he was saying, because the window made it hard to hear. But I caught one sentence: "How dare they? They're messing with me, Annabeth, Chiron!"

Hermione turned to Harry and I with a worried look. "Something has happened to Perseus. Someone took his family members."

"I didn't catch that part. I only caught "How dare they!? They're messing with me, Annabeth, Chiron!"" I interjected.

Harry's green eyes darkened considerably. "Who cares if his family has been taken? He's the grandson of Voldemort, remember?"

"But Harry, I think someone is targeting him. He's in danger, they kidnapped his family to lure him over there." Hermione said.

"Hermione, why should we care? His grandfather killed my parents, and a lot of other people as well!" Harry retorted.

Hermione opened her mouth to respond when Perseus suddenly materialized in front of them. He looked tired and worried, with dark circles underneath his mesmerizing green eyes.

Come to think about it, Harry and Perseus had very similar eyes.

Perseus narrowed his eyes at us when he saw us, but suddenly he swayed and fell to the floor without a sound.

Hermione yelped and ran over to him, kneeling beside him and putting two fingers on his neck to check for a pulse. When she was sure he was breathing, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Ok, he's fine."

Harry and I made our way over to them with caution, in case Perseus suddenly decided to wake up and kill us. When he didn't move, we knelt down beside Hermione.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked as Hermione examined him with a worried expression.

"I don't know. Probably from exhaustion or shock at hearing that his family was taken?" She threw her hands up in exasperation. "I don't know!"

"We could just kill him right here and now." Harry pulled out his wand and aimed it at Perseus's chest.

"HARRY!" Hermione swatted his hand away with a scowl. "We do not kill anyone who is defenseless."

Harry sighed and put his wand away. "Fine. But what do we do with him?" "Something is obviously wrong. Maybe we can take him to-"Hermione was cut off when Perseus suddenly sat up. He put a hand to his forehead, opened his eyes, and recoiled in shock when he saw us.

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