Terrible news

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I was lying awake in bed, thinking about how my family was currently suffering in Azkaban while I was in Hogwarts. I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard movement at the foot of my bed. I threw off my blanket and leapt to my feet to come face to face with Percy. He was clutching a leather book to his chest.

"Percy, what the hell are you doing?"  I asked in bewilderment. The Dark Lord's grandson turned to face me with a cold smile on his face. "I sabotaged the Golden Trio."

"You mean Harry, Ron, and Hermione? Bloody hell, what did you do this time?" I watched as Percy opened the book and flipped through the pages, the cold smile never leaving his face.

"Look how they have discovered that I was Voldemort's grandson." He handed me the book and I took it, rubbing my fingers against the cold leather. I looked at the book and saw that the name "RIDDLE" was splashed across the page in ink. My eyes scanned down the page until they rested on Percy's full name: Perseus Achilles Riddle.

"So they used this book as evidence that you're Voldemort's grandson?" I asked, tossing the book back to Percy which he easily caught. "Yeah. But I overheard their conversation about reporting me to Professor McGonagall, so I.... uh.... appeared there and scared the shit out of them. Took the book, and then left."

I raised my eyebrow. "Hermione's clever, she couldn't have let you leave so easily." Percy's smile grew bigger as he tossed the book into his bag. "Oh, but I surprised her. She wasn't expecting me at all."

"Then I guess the Golden Trio is loosing their touch." I smirked as I crawled back underneath my covers. Percy was still standing there, looking lost in thought. "Percy?"

He jolted back to the present and gave me a weary smile. "Yeah? Sorry, I zoned out for a bit. I'm so tired, and we have classes tomorrow."

"Goodnight, then." I watched as he nodded and went into the washroom to wash up.

"He certainly is mysterious."

Time skip to the next morning---------------------------


I awoke in a cold sweat, feeling the taste of blood in my mouth. I had dreamed about.... about that hellish place once again. About Annabeth, my Wise Girl, dying on me..... 

I took a couple of deep breaths and winced in pain. In an effort to not scream out loud and to wake the others, I had bitten the side of my cheek.

I slid out of bed and looked at the time on my nightstand. 3AM. Great, just great!

"Fuck you, Tartarus! Leave me and Annabeth alone with your stupid nightmares!" I growled softly. Since I didn't have anything else to do,  I decided to go for a jog.

I vapor-traveled outside of Hogwarts and then started at a steady jog while humming a song from "Finding Nemo."

I was a good 15 minutes into my jog when an Iris-message suddenly appeared in front of me, scaring the shit out of me.

"HOLY MOTHER FUCKING ZEUS OF-" I stopped when I saw Annabeth and Chiron's worried looks.

"Annabeth? Chiron? What's going on now?" I asked.

Annabeth bit her lip and turned to Chiron. "I can't tell him, I can't!" Chiron frowned and stroked his beard. "Well then, my dear, I'll have to tell him."

"Guys, I'm literally standing right here. What's the problem?" I said, stuffing my hands into my pockets and waiting impatiently for Chiron to speak.

The old centaur sighed loudly before saying "Your mother and grandfather has been taken, Percy. No one has seen them since two days ago."

My body tensed up. Sally and Voldemort is missing? And they've been taken? 

"That doesn't make any sense. How would someone find Voldemort if he is hidden in a secure location? And no one even knows he's alive except for us!"

"Someone must've known. And it isn't any ordinary mortal or demigod that has taken them. It was a wizard, one of Voldemort's kind."

"How do you know that?" I demanded. How dare someone take my mother and my grandfather!

"Because there were traces of magic being used. Hecate herself, the goddess of magic, went to investigate and she said a wizard had taken them." Chiron explained.

"Does anyone, anyone, know where they are?" I shouted. My mother and my grandfather could be dead for gods sake!

Annabeth cut in before Chiron could say anything. "I'm sorry, Percy, but no one knows where they are! They just vanished without a trace! Hecate and your father, Poseidon, tried to trace them but they couldn't. Something powerful is hiding their location, Percy!"

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. I was going to get my family back. No matter what the fuck happens.

Screw you, fatal flaw.

"So an unknown powerful wizard had taken my family to an unknown location that no one knows about." I said. Annabeth and Chiron nodded at me, their faces grim.

"Oh fuck this, I'm getting them back."

"Percy, how!? No one, even the gods, don't know where they are! How are you supposed to find them?" Annabeth asked in exasperation.

"I don't know! But they're in danger, and I don't know if they're alive or not at the moment! I have to try, I have to try to get any possible leads on their location!" I yelled.

"Come back to camp for a bit and we'll talk about how to get your mother and grandfather back." Chiron said, but I held up a hand.

"No, Chiron. Someone is messing with me by taking my family, and I'm going to find them myself and beat the shit out of them." I growled. Chiron and Annabeth looked at me nervously before they both sighed in defeat. "Fine. But you better come back alive, you hear me?" Annabeth glared at me, her stormy gray eyes filled with different emotions.

I nodded and reached out a hand, touching her face the best as I could on an Iris-message. "Wise Girl, I've lived for this long. I'm not going to die now."

Annabeth smiled before saying "I know you're not."

"Percy, please stay safe. We don't know anything about this unknown enemy, and neither do you." Chiron said as Annabeth disappeared from the Iris-message.

I nodded and extended my arm in a salute towards my mentor. "Yes sir! But I'm going to visit someone first before I leave on this mission."

"Who?" Chiron asked in shock, but I merely gave him my famous lop-sided grin before swiping my hand through the Iris-message, ending the call. I stood alone in the darkness for a bit before muttering "I swear, once I find you, you'll regret ever messing with me and my family."

Word count: 1138

Surprise, surprise!

Percy's going to go on a reckless journey by himself! Honestly, that's so like him.

An update two days in a row because I'm making up for not updating in a week.

I'm honestly so grateful for the support I've gotten on this book so far.

Percy Jackson, The Heir of SlytherinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant