Annabeth would love it

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When Professor McGonagall was talking about the rules of Hogwarts, I completely zoned out. Why? Because I'm not a big fan of following rules.

I was fiddling with my wand in my jeans pocket when McGonagall finally said "And that is it. You may enjoy your dinner now." I glanced up just in time to see food magically appear on the Slytherin table.

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened at the assortment of food before me. I heard a chuckle and I looked over to see Draco laughing at my reaction. "This is the way Hogwarts work, Percy. Magic!"

"I've seen plenty of other magic but not this." I said as a plate appeared in front of me along with a glass of pumpkin juice. I helped myself to whatever I wanted, staying clear away from the seafood though. I didn't want to offend my dad by eating his own subjects.

I started to eat, and I started to talk with Draco, Blaise, and Pansy. "So Percy, you're a true heir of the Dark Lord." Draco said as he shoveled some bacon in his mouth. "You're in Slytherin!"

"That's probably because I prayed to the hat to put me in Slytherin." I said. "It doesn't listen to anyone's requests, though." Pansy mused as she picked at some lettuce.

"Who cares? You're in Slytherin with us and that is what matters." Blaise said, downing his pumpkin juice in one gulp.

"So Percy, where have you been before you came to Hogwarts? You must have education somewhere." Draco said, putting a napkin aside and leaning towards me.

I swallowed. This was the time to come up with something that sounded believable. "Well, I was at a summer camp where they trained us to fight and taught us all the stuff we needed to know to survive."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Pansy interjected, raising her eyebrows at me as a smirk tugged at her lips.

I exhaled. This time I obviously won't lie. "Yes, her name is Annabeth. Annabeth Chase."

"Ohhhh Percy raking in all the girls." Blaise smirked. "Plus, you've got plenty of admirers here." He laughed at my confused look before gesturing at the tables around us. Almost all of the girls from the Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor tables were sneaking looks at me, whispering and giggling under their breaths.

"They should really know that I have a girlfriend." I muttered. "Eh, if any of them try to hit on you, just say you're taken." Draco said. 

"Wait a moment. At that camp you go to, you said they taught you how to fight?" Pansy asked, looking horrified. "What kind of camp is that? I assumed it was like a school!"

I grimaced. I had already made a mistake. "Well, it was a special camp." Draco, Blaise, and Pasny looked at me with raised eyebrows but they didn't say anything more, which made me really grateful.

When we were finished up the meals, I looked behind me to see people starting to get up and walk out of the dining hall. I turned back to Draco, Blaise, and Pansy, who were all smirking at me.

"Where are we supposed to go?" I asked. Draco's smirk grew as he stood up, along with Pansy and Blaise. "We're going to the Slytherin common room."

"I have no fucking clue where the hell that is." I said. "That's why you follow us, silly." Pansy laughed as they started to join the crowd of students pouring out of the dining hall.

"Right, whatever." I joined the three of them, and we all followed the other Slytherin's down into some sort of dungeon. The walls and floor became stone. We all stopped in front of a blank wall, and someone shouted "Pure-bloods."

The wall groaned and slid slowly to the left, opening up a passage in the stone. My eyes widened in shock. Hogwarts was so full of surprises. Annabeth would love it here.

My heart clenched at the mention of my girlfriend. I missed her so much. At least I had managed to Iris-message her once before I left to Hogwarts.

I followed Draco, Blaise, and Pansy inside and I stopped with them when the other Slytherin's started to stream up two different staircases.

"Alright, I'll see you guys later." Pansy said. She smiled at me before turning and joining other Slytherin girls up the left staircase.

"I'm going to figure you'll be bunking with us, Jackson. Let's go." Blaise said as they both turned and followed the boys up the right staircase. We passed several dorms where people were heading into until we reached the last door. A sign was plastered on it, saying "Welcome, Draco, Blaise, Perseus, and Nate!"

I scowled at my name, and Draco and Blaise laughed at me. "They don't know any better. Come on." Blaise opened the door and we all walked in. A purple-haired boy with violet eyes was already at a bed, looking around for his things in a giant trunk.

He turned when he saw us, and gave us a cold smile. "I thought I requested to be alone."

"It's as if we want to bunk with you too." I sneered, walking over to a bed furthest away from the boy and sitting down on it. Magically, my things appeared beside me and I started to shift through them.

The boy narrowed his eyes at me when I glanced up again. "I know who you are. You're the Dark Lord's grandson."

"Hm, and you're the son of a death eater. How wonderful." I groused, closing my bag and unfolding my green pyjamas.

"Shut up. I'm assuming your name is Nate, and Perseus is to be treated with respect, you half brained idiot. Insulting him is insulting the Dark Lord." Draco hissed.

Nate scoffed. "He doesn't even look worthy enough to have that title." I felt my anger rising, and I moved faster than I ever thought possible. Quick as a flash, I had flipped out Riptide and had pressed the blade to Nate's throat.

Draco and Blaise's eyes widened in shock and Nate looked at the blade with fear. "H-How are you so fast?" Nate stuttered, but winced when I pressed the blade harder into his throat.

"Do not disrespect me again, do you hear me?" I growled. "I am the Dark Lord's grandson. I don't think it would be wise to insult me, because that may affect your parent's lives."

Nate's eyes widened in terror. "N-No! Please don't hurt them!"

I smiled as I whispered in his ear "Great, then I assume you will not disrespect me?" Nate nodded as best as he could with a blade to his throat.

"Good, then we will get along just fine." I said, before lowering the blade from Nate's throat and capping Riptide before slipping the pen in my pocket. Nate eyed me for a moment before turning and slipping underneath his bed covers.

I looked back at Draco and Blaise, who were still staring at me. "Close your mouths, you're going to catch flies." I teased before getting ready for bed.

Word count: 1189

Sorry for not updating in about a week. I was busy with Halloween, basketball tryouts, and my final swimming exam.

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