“that’s it now" he yelled playfully, I could hear him making his way to the bathroom 

"I’ll get you when you least expect it Miss Strange" he laughed making me cringe when he used my surname, god I hated my name. I’d even debated changing it when I was at school but never did.

The bathroom door flung open, slowly I lifted my head up to see him smiling back at me dripping wet through. His white t shirt was now see through and clung to his bronzed muscly chest, I drew a ragged breath in as he grabbed my wrists and hauled me up so our eyes met, not really thought this through I grumbled to my inner self as I struggled to fight the urge to fly into his arms and never let him go.

"Amber about last night" he sighed looking deep into my eyes making me shiver at the depths he was pulling me into

"It’s ok Luc, I get it" I said sadly my eyes moving down to the floor making him lift my chin up with his finger and gazing deeply at me

"You get what angel" he asked quietly his voice trembling

"you felt sorry for me and I over stepped the mark, I’m sorry Luc I know we're friends and you’ve done so much for me, and I totally understand you didn’t enjoy it, I’m pretty rusty I’ve not kissed a guy in....oh....about two years, apart from Liam yesterday and he really didn’t do that much for me" I said hardly stopping for breath and now shaking from the cold of being pressed up against his wet body. I looked up at him to see a horrified expression cross his face

"Amber no that’s not it, that’s not it at all" he gasped

"it’s just I don’t want to lose what we already have” he said quietly

Nodding sadly I turned away from him, I don’t even know why I was getting upset. I’d only just realised I liked him and it wasn’t as if I was in any state of mind to stand and argue with him, I honestly just felt like someone had put me in a blender and turned it on, I’d never felt as confused in my life and that’s saying something, I started heading towards the shower as I felt my arm tug back making me stumble and turn to immediately have my lips met by his.

Luc’s pov

She looked at the floor sadly and turned away, I could see the hurt in her eyes. Her entire body dropped with disappointment. How could she think I didn’t want her or that I didn’t like or enjoy last night it was the best night of my life so far. When she kissed me I couldn't contain myself, it was the best kiss I’d ever had, the hair on the back of my neck had stood up, I got goose bumps all over my body. The sparks that she sent to be were amazing. I’d been waiting for her for so long, building her up in my mind that I was starting to worry that if on the off chance anything did happen between us she wouldn’t live up to my vision in my head.

How wrong I was, we had only kissed and I was hooked on her. She was better than I ever imagined and she thinks I didn’t like it. That ass hole really did a number on her. My eyes tightened together with rage at the thought of that night, walking in to see her curled up in a ball half dead in fact more than half dead, with him beating on her. I think a part of me died that night seeing her like that and I promised myself and her no one would ever hurt her again and I’ve kept my promise, well up until last night when it was me that did the hurting.

Snapping out of my day dream I saw her start walking towards the bathroom, my heart skipped a beat to think the disappointment on her face might mean she liked me liked me. Hey I could hope right. I reached out for her arm and grabbed her pulling her to my lips.

She gasped in surprise and pulled away slightly, she looked confused and raised her eye brow up looking right at me, our face only inches apart, I could feel her breath on my lips, the smell of her minty fresh breath washing over my nostrils making me moan deep in my throat.

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