Chapter 5

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Hi who ever is reading this thank you and i hope you're enjoying it so far, sorry about this chapter its a little short but its more to explain the real realasionship between amber and luc. please vote and comment and let me know what you think


Chapter 5

Amber’s Pov

Backed into the corner, wedged in between the TV and the wall I couldn’t help the silent tears falling down my face as much as I tried they just kept coming and coming, I’d learnt not to scream or cry for help it made things worse.

Slumped down my body trembled with fear, god this was it he has going to kill me, me and the baby oh god oh god, please let it be quick I begged god over and over again as my entire body shook with pain and fear

"move your fucking hands you fucking whore" he bent down in between blows and yelled into face making my ears ring out as he screamed as if he had a megaphone, his voice still echoing in my head long after he’d stopped screaming.

I couldn’t help it, it was instinct my hands were shielding my tiny bulging stomach, I needed to protect it. I trembled under him my entire body shaking, battered and bruised

“If you won’t get rid of the little fucker I’ll do it myself. I don't want the little bastard" he snarled grabbing my hands and kicking me repeatedly in the stomach. Screams of pain ripped from my throat, I doubled over in agony. I felt a warm feeling between my legs, looking down still screaming I saw blood seeping from my jeans, he didn’t stop he kept kicking and reigning blows on my head.

Everything went calm, the light turned into blackness, I felt like I was floating only to come crashing back down to someone shaking me and yelling my name

Slowly opening my eyes I realised the pain had gone I was numb, everything was better, no pain, no screaming, no more hell. I was dying, I wasn’t stupid I knew what was happening, I prayed for it, for it to end one way or another at least this way I would be pain free forever. Closing my eyes ready for the inevitable I drifted away to darkness

I shot bolt right up in bed, I couldn’t breath. Holy shit I couldn’t breathe. My chest felt like I had a tonne of bricks on it, my head bounding as I panicked for a breath I couldn’t catch. My entire body was drenched in sweat as I was shaking from head to toe.

"Amber calm down" a voice came behind me wrapping me up into a hug. Still gasping for breath I tried to speak but nothing came out, only tears fell down my face, drenching the shoulder I was crying onto.

"Shhhh its ok angel I’m here, I’m here" he soothed rocking me back and forth

"Luc" I gasped barely above a whisper not even knowing if my voice would actually work

"" I made no sense but he knew he just gripped me tighter and tighter like he would never let me go

"It’s ok angel he’s gone, he can’t hurt you again, I’m here Amber" he whispered in my ear calming me down as my breathing started to slow.

Concentrating I matched my breathing to his trying to calm myself, it was just a dream, he wouldn’t find me, he couldn’t find me, he was gone. Oh please god don’t let him come back I don’t know how I could cope if I ever even heard he’d be released. After a few moments my breathing calmed so I was able to speak coherently in a sense

"Luc" I sobbed, tears streaming like rivers, I was still shaking uncontrollably, noticing he pulled away looking straight into my eyes. Bringing his hands up he cupped my face and wiped my tears away.

I felt safe with Luc he was the only reason I was still alive, I owed him so much but I’d not dreamt about him for months my only guess was our fight had brought the past up fresh in my memory.

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