Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Lucas pov

I looked at my phone for like the millionth time in the last few seconds, it was just after midnight, no missed calls no messages nothing. I slammed it onto the bed and continued what I’d been doing for the past few hours which were pacing about then checking my phone then more pacing. I shook my head and sighed. I can’t believe what I’d done, how could I have spoken to her like that, I know how much she hates confrontation. I know it and I still did it. She’s never going to forgive me I thought my heart breaking at just the thought over her shaking and cowering away from me like she did him.

I moved from the bed, to the balcony the bathroom then back to the bed in a circle, I’d been mooching around like this for hours, I couldn’t seem to do or think about anything else other than her, I needed to know how she was; I needed to speak to her.

Closing my eyes and saw her face, crumpled, crying and torn in two from me yelling at her. I’d never forget that image until the day I died I knew it would never leave my head, it was my fault and I’d never let myself forget it.

"Mate, calm down, I’m sure she'll be fine"

I turned around and saw Logan sat up half asleep, squinting his eyes to see in the dark.

“They probably won’t be back tonight Luc, she was out of it for a while, and I bet they keep her in for observation" he said matter of factly as if it happened every day. I just glared at him, how dare he be so blarzay about this.

She’d be fine if she wasn’t running from me, I’d be able to see her and talk to her. I needed to know she was ok, she was my Amber I needed to know she was ok, I needed to touch her, to see those sparkling eyes shine back at me.

Logan sat up straighter sensing my glare and sighing loudly he looked back over at me

"Look Luc, being all tense and pacing holes in the floor is not going to make anything any better is it?"

Again I didn’t answer I just glared, what’s the saying if looks could kill eh, well Logan would be dead ten times over and I didn’t care of he knew it, he was the one person that knew what she meant to me he should be consoling me not sleeping and then when he did wake up speak a load of bull.

"Luc just go to sleep, I know you feel guilty but beating yourself up is not going to change anything is it? We’ll get up first thing and go see her ok, just please mate go to bed and calm down" he pleaded.

I just nodded and walked over to the bed. I sat down and sighed, he was the only person that knew the truth. How I really felt about Amber. He knew I was madly in love with her and always had been she is my world my life, my everything, I needed to be around her more than anyone ever had. She literally takes my breath away. It had been like that from the first moment I met her.

A small smile crossed my lips remembering the moment I first laid eyes on her......

My mum got a new job and we'd moved, it was the last year at school so everyone already had their own little groups and friends they known for years. I’ll never forget walking into that maths class. As soon as I the opened the door and scanned the twenty odd kids in the room my eyes immediately fell on Ambers. She was so beautiful it literally took my breath away.

She was sat in a corner near a window with Bex and Jenny. All three were ignoring the intrusion into the class and just gossiping. I chuckled to myself her long blonde hair fell in waves over her shoulders, she had piercing blue eyes and lips so pink I could run up and kiss her there and then.

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