I'm fine

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A/N: Just a quick thingy from tumblr! Requests are coming up soon, promise yall!!!

(Y/N) was minding her own business, walking across the bridge back to Manhattan. She had to run a few errands there, and it was late. Jack was probably freaking out by now, but she didn't care. (Y/N) didn't exactly care about many things except for selling her papes, her friends, and staying alive.

"Well if it ain't the femme of 'hatten." A smug voice said from behind her. (Y/N) turned around to be met with none other than the self proclaimed king of Brooklyn. She rolled her eyes at him, but still felt a small smile tug at her lips.

"If it ain't the reason im so eager to get back to Manhattan." She retorted, crossing her arms over her chest and turning to face him.

She and Spot's relationship was... complicated, to say the least. The two had known each other before either of them became newsies, and were somewhat friends. He was also (Y/N)'s first everything - first friend, first crush, first fistfight.

In the coming months, though, they had seen each other more often since (Y/N) now worked a side job over in Brooklyn after she sold her papers for the day. Slowly but surely, her childhood crush on Spot began to resurface, but instead she masked it with humor and a tough demeanor.

Spot feigned offense, stepping closer to her. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him as she leaned against one of the posts on the bridge.

"Something wrong, Conlon? You look like someone just died in front of you.." (Y/N) commented, her smile faltering as she noticed the fact that Spot looked stressed out - his hair stuck up in a million different ways, he looked paler (though it was hard to tell with the little light the gas lamps emitted), and had very noticeable eye bags. One of his suspenders was hanging off the side of his arm, and his top three buttons were done wrong.

"Whaddya mean?" He replied, raising an eyebrow and frowning. He took off his cap momentarily and ran a hand through his messy brown hair in an effort to neaten it. Surprise surprise, it didn't work whatsoever. If anything, it made it worse.

(Y/N) sighed and walked over to him. When she was around half a foot away from him, she looked him up and down. Then, being the neat-freak she was, began to fix him up. She straightened his suspender, fixed his buttons, you get the gist.

Spot screams internally. He bit his lip and looked down.

You see, Spot would never admit it, but he reciprocate the feelings that (Y/N) had for him. But, since he was the king of Brooklyn and all, he didn't dare get involved with anyone romantically - they'd think he'd gone soft, and thus he'd be replaced. So, he pushed his feelings down to the bottom of his heart.

"Are you even listening to me?" (Y/N) scolded, snapping Spot out of his thoughts. He raised an eyebrow at her, unaware she was speaking. She smirked slightly, turning him a light shade of pink.

"God, Conlon, it's like you dont even have ears." She joked, stepping away from him.

"Just repeat what youse was trying to say." He sighed, leaning against a lampost. (Y/N) fidgeted with her hands, trying to ignore the fact he looked really hot.

"I was asking when you're gonna find your queen. Everyone in Manhattan jokes about it, there's even some bets going on." She answered, looking down sadly. She knew that would never be her - she wasn't from Brooklyn, therefore not eligible.

"I've met her already." Spot blurted out, promptly turning himself red. Thank god it was dark out and she probably couldn't see.

(Y/N) sadly smiled and forced herself to look him in the eye.

"That's nice." She muttered as she turned around. Without another word, she walked off. Spot didn't stop her, though. He had a reputation to maintain, after all. Though, something inside of him urged him to go after her.

Alas, she was already out of sight and the boys at the lodging house were probably wondering where he was.

He'd have to wait for another day. He silently began walking back, frowning the whole way. None of the newsboys commented on how silent he was when he walked into the lodging house, nor the fact that his appearance had been straightened out. Yet they knew something was wrong, as they weren't stupid. Did they do anything? No. They were aware Spot had to straighten things out for himself.

Meanwhile, at the Manhattan lodging house, (Y/N) casually walked in after-hours, frowning. Jack immediately began yelling at her, going on about how worried he was, and how she should have told someone she'd be gone so long.

Though, upon seeing her expression, he stopped. This sad look in her eyes, a worn out frown.. He could only recognize it as one thing. Heartbreak.

"(Y/N), is youse alright?" He inquired, placing a hand on her shoulder in a brotherly fashion. (Y/N) nodded gently and brushed his hand off of her.

"Im fine, Jack." She muttered, squeezing past him.

"Are youse sure? Youse look pretty down in the dumps." He pointed out, now frowning at himself.

"Im fine."

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