Annoying (Spot oneshot)

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The perfect word to describe the self proclaimed "king of Brooklyn." Spot Conlon.
You couldn't stand him.
You'd try to cross the bridge to get home, he'd bother you with his mindless flirting. You try to get a paper from a newsboy in Brooklyn that wasn't him, he'd soak them.
Yet, somehow, he didn't understand that you despised him - he was too much of a charmer for your tastes.
But that isn't important - because right then, you were walking home alone at night, a risky move for a girl. Your skirts swayed ever so slightly as you went on with your trek.
That all is, until the orb of irritation appeared alongside you.
You glanced over to him and rolled your eyes at him. He looked as he usually did - messy brown hair, muscular stature, and red tank top with suspenders despite the fact that misquotes would eat him up completely.
"What, no hello?" He inquired, mischief in his voice. You groaned and kept walking, Spot alongside you.
"Do you need something?" You scowled, stopping at the middle of the bridge and crossing your arms.
Spot just shrugged his shoulders, his hands in his pockets - though, his face betrayed him by giving an expression that he truly wanted something from you.
"Uh.. it's nothing, just looking for some company." He mumbled, looking down.
"I don't want your company." You grimace, turning and walking away again. Spot, of course, followed you.
The two of you walked in silence for a few minutes, until he alas piped up.
"Will you go on a date with me?" He blurted out at random. You raised an eyebrow at him, but replied nonetheless.
"If you leave me alone, perhaps." You snickered, not entirely joking. Spot's face turned to an expression of hope and wonder for a split second, then went back to its usual steely facade.
"Good. I'll pick youse up at ya house tomorra' afternoon. That good?"
You simply nodded your head, walking towards your street now. Spot soon went his own way, smiling like a dope.
And despite how annoying he was, you couldn't help being excited for your date.

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