Chapter 26: sugar daddy?

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~Journey's POV

I didn't say anything as Ethan smiled up at me. I herd the door open and I looked back. It was Grayson, he was just as shocked as me. Grayson looked mad.

"Fuck you!" He shouted at me, running out of the house and slamming the door.

"Gray!" I said, before he shut the door. I looked at Ethan who looked sad.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You ruin everything for me!" I shouted, slapping him. I covered my mouth before running outside. Grayson was grabbing my stuff and throwing it into the back of his truck.

"Grayson! What are you doing!" I shouted, as I felt tears rise to the brim of my eyes. He glared at me.

"Your a fucking hoe like Aaron. I shouldn't have ever suggested Ethan to come help me, help you guys." He shouted at me, rolling his eyes. I sighed. I just stood there and looked down.

"GO THE FUCK BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM!" He yelled at me, throwing more stuff in. I wiped my eyes.

"Fine, but fuck you Grayson Bailey Dolan." I said, running to the truck and driving off. I went to Aaron's house. I walked in and Nate and her were cuddling. I grabbed the twins and then dog, and then left without saying anything.

~Ethan's POV

I looked out the window as I saw Grayson screaming at her. I loved her with all my heart, but she loved Grayson. She said something before getting in the truck and driving off. Grayson banged his fist against the other truck, then yelled fuck. Then he walked in.

"What the hell." I said. He looked at me.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You proposed because she was going to say yes!" He said.

"Grayson you ass. She hasn't cheated on you ever, or me. She slapped me." I said. He looked down.

"Yeah." I mummbled. I rolled my eyes.

"Ethan, they're tearing us apart. We were so close, now look at us. Both fighting over a girl. We are brothers no matter what, and now it's like we're enimies." He said, hugging me.

"True." I said, maybe it was time for Aaron, Journey, Grayson, and Ethan to end. For goodness sake, we're all 18 and have at least 1 kid. I sat on the couch and looked down at my phone. My lock screen was Journey kissing my cheek. Then my home screen was Journey, Penelope, and I at the carival. I smiled then it faded. It was over, and everyone knew that. I deleted all the pictures and changed the background to my fish, and my lock screen to my dog.

1 week later----

~Journey's POV

"Mom I'm home!" I shouted walking into the house. She smiled as she pointed at Penelope snuggling with twins in her arms.

"How was your day?" She asked. I shrugged. I was now living with my mom and dad, but my dad was in Europe to find fossils.



"My life is basic and boring without Aaron and the twins." I said, sighing. I put my head on her shoulder.

"It's ok, they'll call you when they need you." She said smiling, then looking down at my phone that started to ring. It read 'Gary💕😢'. She smirked as I left the room to my room.

*in call*

J: Hello?

G: hey, it's Nate.

J: oh hi, what do you need

N: um well Aaron's water broke. It's me, Gray, and Ethan here. She wanted me to tell you.

J: oh sorry. We all aren't involved in each others lives anymore. Bye.

*called ended*

I sighed as I flopped onto my bed. Goodnight myself.


Well, that was short and juicey. So enjoy idk what else to write, but it's ending at 30-40 chapters :)

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