Chapter 22- Missing ??

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We all spread around the house calling for her. How could be so careless to forget about her.

Penelope if your hiding it's not funny I shouted. I walked outside. The wind was blowing enough for it to make a loud echoing sound.

Penelope I shouted. I herd a twig break.

Penelope ? I asked walking slowing around the corner. I got closer and the breaking of twigs was louder. I was slowing turning the corner and Mini ran out.

Ahhh I screamed falling back. Then I laughed picking her up.

Who let you outside I said petting her. I walked inside.

Guys who let Mini out, and left the back door wide open I asked.

Not me they all said.

Haha very funny guys, now who did this I said again.

Journey, we were all inside looking for her, we didn't open the door Ethan said. I put the dog down and shut the door.

Okay I said slowly.

So should we tell the police about her missing Ethan asked.

Yes I screamed. We all left the house and made sure to lock the doors.

( a/n Okay so this is some creepy stuff peeps like you better vote hoes )


We arrived at the police station.

How may I help you a young women in all blue asked.

We're here to fill out a missing person report I said.

Okay right this way she said getting up. I was starting to walk, but I got pulled back by someone. Well at least I thought I did. I stumbled back into Ethan's arms.

Thanks I said getting away from his arms. We followed the lady to a room with many desk and files.

Sit right there she pointing to a chair. I sat down, and looked at the paper she handed me and filled it all out.

Here I said. She looked up and smiled.

I'm sorry she said with sympathy.

Thank you I said a tear rolled down my cheek.

Ha I'm crying I said wiping away my tear.

Thank you ma'am the women said. We left the station and headed home.


When we approached the house every door was open, all the way. I gasped.

Can you guys stop pranking m- I turned around and they all had the same expression as I did.

So you really didn't do this I said. They nodded. We went inside and everything else was the same except 1 thing. Penelope's room. It was a mess it had all of her stuff everywhere. One thing was missing from her room, the whole house in fact. Here old information before adoption. We all decided to go to bed.


I woke up to a loud banging sound outside of the house, and screams that sounded like Penelope's. I shook Ethan to wake him up.

Ethan I said shaking more, and more.

Ethan I kept saying shaking him.

Ethan I whispered/yelled as someone entered our bedroom. Not a someone something that was tall, skinny, shadowy, and all you could see for details was the piercing green eyes that glowed in the dark room.


Well... I'm ending it early. 😢 So she still hasn't been found, and comment if you have any idea of what is wrong with Journey. Remember to follow bluediva17.


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