first day of forever

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sebastian unlocked the door to the cabin and indicted for her to wait outside for a moment rachel wondered why but two minutes later sebastian opened the door for her she walked in. she was surrounded by candles and he had lit the fire she thought of marley and skylar the smythe brothers certainly knew how to be romantic.

" you like" he asked

" its amazing" rachel said she heard a cork pop and looked at sebastian who was now pouring them both a glass of wine.

" non alcoholic " sebastian said handing her glass to her.

" too the start of something new" sebastian said before adding " and exciting " they clinked their glasses.

"dinner will be ready shortly" sebastian said

" you cooked" rachel asked

" yes i have many talents tbat your going to be discovering and i am looking forward to discovering yours" sebastian said

" what are we having" rachel asked

"vegetable soup which i made from scratch with homemade bread and them a vegan cake i made" sebastian said

" so you really can cook then" rachel asked

" yeah my mom got sick of me criticising store bought food so she said if i want it to be done right i should make it myself so i do" sebastian said

" im not a bad cook myself " rachel said

" is that your innocent way of inviting me to your house for dinner" sebastian asked smiling at her.

" is that your in no way sutble way of inviting yourself" rachel asked smiling.

" yes...and i believe the soupis ready so please take you seat" sebastian said leading her to the dining table which had been set up for the two of them. he pulled out her cgsir for her and tgen went to get the food he returned a minute later with her bowl of soup which looked and smelled amazing plus a plate with her bread which smelt unbelievable.

sebastian returned a other moment later with his own and sat down opposite her smiling at her as he did. he was now watching her intently  rachel knew he wanted her to try the food she worriee she woukd dripple.

" its amazing " she said after tasting it.

" thank you im glad you like it" sebastian said

" i make a vegetable soup but its nothing like this" rachel said

" i will teach you how to make it though i have a feeling you might get rather distracted being in such close proximity to me" sebastian said

" i have never known anyone has full of themselves " rachel said

" i bet though if it meant i left a lasting impression on you when we first met im pleased about it" sebastian said

" oh you definitely made an impression " rachel giggled

" so did you" sebastian said

" really what was your first impression of me" rachel asked

" honestly i thought wow then i thought im going to have her" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said blushing.

" have as in date not have as in...i will shut up" sebastian said they both were laughing.

"now i know i will more than likely regret this but what was your first impression of me" sebastian asked rachel looked at him for a moment.

"well we first met when you stole our set list so at first when you walked over i had a similar reaction to your first thought of me wow...then you opened your mouth and it kind of went down hill from there" rachel said though he was giggling.

when all is said and done: smytheberry Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora