sibling smiling

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the next morning sebastian walked into the kitchen to see skylar was already eating breakfast sebastian went and sat opposite him and grabbed some toast.

" good morning sebastian " skylar said it was only the two of them in the kitchen.

" morning" sebastian replied whilst pouring his coffee.

" so" skylar said

" so what" sebastian asked sleepily

" are we just not going to talk about last night" skylar said

" im guessing you have spoken to marley" sebastian said

" yeah why did you tell me you had a date with rachel " skylar said as their father charles walked in.

" whats this seb things progressing with rachel " charles asked pouring himself a coffee.

" no it wasnt like that it wasnt a date" sebastian said

" then what was it" sj ssked walking into the room.

" what is this an inquisition " sebastian asked

" we just want you to be happy son thats all" charles said

" so what happened on this non date then" sj asked

" you guys know she was stood up i saw her at tge lima bean she looked sad i wanted to cheer her up so i told her i knew the perfect way to do just that " sebastian said

" go on" skylar said smiling

" she loves barbra streisand so i tuck her to the cabin and we watched funny girl" sebastian said

" could you be more adorable " sj said ruffling his hair.

" are you sure it wasnt a date" charles asked

" yes im sure" sebastian said

" it was a lovely thing to do...out of curiosity are you in the habbit of taking girls to the cabin " charles asked

" no" sebastian said not looking at his him.

" just remember why i gave you a key seb it was to have a place to relax not a place to get lucky" charles said

" dont say that again " sebastian said

" right i am off to work have a good day at school bother of you" charles said before leaving.

" so sebby are you planning to take rachel on a date" sj asked

" not until i kniw sbe will agree to it" sebastian said


rachel was sat finishing her breakfast their dads had already left that morning and weret due back for a few days. marley came walking in with a huge smile on her face she sat down at the table and let out a happy sigh.

" guess you have being talking to skylar given the huge smike on your face" rachel said

" no actually its because of you im smiling" marley said

" me" rachel asked hoping marley wasnt going to mention last night.

" how romantic are the smythe brothers and how lucky are we" marley said

" marls sebastian and i are not dating " rachel said

" no but just think if you were we would be sisters and sister in law if we all got married" marley said

" marley" rachel said

" all right i wont mention it again...for now" marley said

later that day

rachel was at her locker grabbing her things as it was the end of the school day when marley came almost skipping upto her.

" hey" rachel said

" hey skylar as warbler practice so do you want to get a coffee and hang out " marley asked

" sure that sounds great" rachel said

" oh hey marley looking good" jake said walking past them.

" since dating skylar i dont know why i ever wasted my tme on him" marley said linking rachel's arm as they walked out of mckinley.


marley gad insisted on buying their coffees given skylar always oaid for everything when they were together she had hardly spent any of her allowance.

they sat chatting about different things marley's relationship with skylar, school and how marley was feeling about her illness then rachel saw the lima bean doors open and in walked skylar and sebastian. racgel had to smile at the fact that when skylar saw marley his whole face lit up she turned to see marley with the same expression as the two brothers walked over.

" hello" skylar said giving marley a quick kiss.

" hi" marley said blushing

" what a wonderful surprise to see both beautiful berry sisters together " skylar said it was tgen that rachel realised just why marley had asked her to coffee it wasnt for a sister catch up marley and skylar had planned it.she looked at marley who was sipping her coffee not looking at her.

" hello" rachel said to both of them.

" why dont i get our coffees seb" skylar said rachel sw sebastian glaring at skylar it was clear he had come to the same conclusion as her he sat down opposite her.

" oh i think i will pop to the ladies" marley said standing up and heading for the bathroom rachel then saw skylar at the counter asking about different coffees rachel knew he was doing ot on purpose as he and sebastian always drank the same coffee.

" not very subtle are they" sebastian said she turned and looked at him

" no their not" rachel said

" i want cake sky" sebastian shouted to him

" thank you for last night" rachel said he nodded as skylar finally arrived with theit coffees

"so marley and i were saying just last night how much fun we had when we went bowling" skylar said

" i asked for cake" sebastian said

" oops sorry" skylar said springing up from his seat and running to the counter.

" well if we are to be subjected to their plotting we might as well get something out of it" sebastian said as marley arrived back and skylar did a moment later with two pieces of cake.

" there are four of us" sebastian said

" marley and i always share" skylar said cutting both pieces of cake the four of them grabbed a piece.

" i was just telling when how we said we should go bowling again" skylar said to marley.

" we should" marley said excitedly.

" what do you say rachel." skylar asked

" well i dont think sebastian could handle another lose so soon" rachel said sebastian grinned at her.

" you only won by default" sebastian said

" i still won" rachel said

" alright sky your on lets have another game i think i need to show rachel how to win properly not by default " sebastian said

" fine i beat you before im sure i can do it again" rachel said

" its on berry" sebastian said

when all is said and done: smytheberry Where stories live. Discover now