awkward is an understatement

397 23 17

" well" rachel asked looking back and forth at the three of them.

"well i..." sebastian stuttered

" its my fault" skylar said sebastian looked at hus brother in shock.

" your fault" rachel asked

" yeah when marls and i started dating i hated the fact that she had previously dated jake and we were having a family dinner and i mentioned how i couldnt believe someone as beautiful and sweet as marley would date a thug like jake puckerman. it turns out our dad knows of their family he said they were bad news so if sebastian was critical of your dating noah he wsnt been rude he was looking out for you" skylar said it was true their dad had said he knew of the puckerman brothers when skylar had mentioned them.

" yeah i was looking put for you" sebastian said

" did your dad say why he knew of them" marley asked

" only that they both have an extensive record" skylar said

" what i dont understand is why you didnt tell me that" rachel asked looking at him.

" i didnt have a chance you got defensive " sebastian said racgel nodded.

" what else" rachel asked

" what" sebastian asked

" you said you had your reasons as in more than one " rachel said

" did i" sebastian said

" yes" rachel said

" i am only worried that you will get hurt and that will hurt matley which will hurt my brother" sebastian said

" i know noah isnt an angel ok but we dated before..." rachel started to say.

" for a week" marley said

" yeah but still other than me and lauren his relationships hve been one night stands" rachel said

" which begs tbe question why a girl like you would waste your time on him" sebastian said

" because he asked me out" rachel said then sebastian noticed how awkward she looked.

" are you still going to go out with him tonight " marley asked

" yes" rachel said

" even after what they have said their dad knows of them rach and you know what jake put me through" marley said

" when you started dating skylar did i approve no but i told you it was your choice and has it turns out he is right for you so why cant you be supportive  marley i was of you" rachel asked

" you disproved of skylar because of sebastian not of him i dont approve of noah because he is trouble" marley said as thad pulled up next to them in his car and got out.

" hey guys" he said unaware of the tension amongst them.

" hey" skylar said to him.

" everything ok" thad asked looking around at them before settling his gaze on sebastian.

" yeah" sebastian skylar and marley said

" happy birthday thad " rachel said before walking away.

" we best be getting our coffees" skylar said as marley was on the verge of tears.

" what was all that about" thad asked once it was just him and sebastian.

" it doesnt matter" sebastian said feeling fed up.

" you dont want to talk about it ok but answer me this why did rachel wish me happy birthday my birthday is four months away" thad asked it was true sebastian had made up thads birthday as he had initially asked rachel what she was upto in hope of her been free and asking her if she wanted to go to the movies with him. when she had told him she had a date and then asked him what his plans were he had come up with it been thads birthday.

" i dont know" sebastian said thad eyed him suspiciously.

" alright what is it your up to something " thad asked

" im not thad atleast not anymore there is no point" sebastian said turning around and getting in his car.

that evening


rachel was sat at breadstixs waiting for noah he was supposed to have been there twenty minutes ago she had ordered herself a drink and was sat twiddling the straw as she waited. she wasnt feeling great she hated tbat she and marley had had an argument.

another ten minutes later

rachel text noah asking where he was and sat waiting for a reply she waited and waited now he was almost forty minutes lte and hadnt answered her she knew he had stood her up. she paid for her drink and left and headed home.

as she headed up the stairs to her bedroom once she was home she felt her eyes start to fill with tears as marley opened her bedroom door ra hel didnt want to argue so she kept her head down and waljed to her room.

" did you have a good time " marley asked  she hadnt seen the tears rolling down rachel's face.

" he didnt turn up" rachel said

" oh rach" marley said rushing over and hugging her.

" you were right i shouldn't have given him a chance you were all right sebastian going to love that" rachel said

" no he wont" marley said

" i know him better than you do" rachel said

" i dont think you do" marley said

" it doesnt matter anyway i should have realised noah didnt want me no guy ever has not really finn always wanted quinn jesse was playing me the whole time for shelby." rachel said getting upset.

"when skylar first sked me out i said no i told him it was because you and sebastian dont get on but i was lying it was because of jake. he cheated on me he lied to me tried to take my virginity when he knew i was saving myself for the right time. i thought who would want me and then the bulimia started and i thought no boy would want to deal with this. then i met skylar and he spends every moment we are together telling me im special that im beautiful. when we go out for food he understands that its difficult for me he has never judged me he only supports me. you met his mom and dad they are lovely rachel two lovely parents who raised skylar to be so sweet and kind and thoughtful that why i think you have gotton sebastian wrong or he has come across wrong. rachel i dont see how skylar can be so sweet and sebastian so bad. skylar told me the reason guys passed me by wasnt because of my illness it was because they had no idea how to handle me because im special and that it takes a special guy to appreciate me well he is rach. if i can find a guy like him so can you dont cry over someone who stoid you up it says more about him than you. " marley said rachel hugged her.

" thank you" rachel said

" why dont you put on the mirrorhas two faces i will go get the ice cream from the freezer and we have a dvd night" marley said

" sounds perfect" rachel said


once rachel was in her room marley went to her own room and sent a message to skylar about rachel been stood up. she had quizzed skylar about sebastian after what happened earlier and she was starting to suspect that she knew the reason sebastian was so against rachel going on a date and while her own concerns were rachel getting hurt she suspected sebastian's reasons had nothing to do with niah but a lot to do with rachel.

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