the big brother

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the following day rachel was with blaine at the lima bean she hadnt told anybody about marley and skylar that was upto marley to do.

" so rach do you wanna see a movie or..." blaine asked as they sat down at a table with their coffees.

" hello" sebastian said sitting down next to her.

" yes blaine that would be lovely shall we leave now" rachel said ignoring sebastian completely.

" if you want" blaine said

" dont you want to know what i came over to tell you " sebastian asked smirking at her.

" no not really" rachel said standing up.

" oh come now rach we might end up as inlaws the least we can do is be civil with each other" sebastian said

"you know" rachel said sebastian looked surprised.

" and you know " he said

" guys whats going on" blaine asked

" sorry killer this is matter for the smythe and the berry families only" sebastian said

" blaine can you give us a minute" rachel asked

" i will be by my car" blaine said walking away.

" so you know of our younger siblings canoodling" sebastian said

" yes " rachel said

" how long have you known" sebastian asked

" since yesterday" rachel said

" i found out about half an hour ago i have to say berry im a little disappointed in you i thought you would have informed me about them immediately " sebastian said

" i have no desire to talk to you" rachel said

" i see i dont have any desire to talk to you either though i do have a few  desires that involve other us doing things but not talking" sebastian smirked rachel looked frowned at him.

" so we both know about them" rachel said a moment later ignoring his last comment.

" im surprised your allowing it " sebastian said

" im not happy about it but i understand he isnt you" rachel said

" ouch... i got to say berry that hurt my feelings " sebastian chuckled.

" he better not hurt her she has enough to deal with" rachel said

" he wont" sebastian said

" i cant believe of all the boys in ohio she picks your brother" rachel said

" you must remember one thing he isnt me he played no part in any of my schemes" sebastian said

" i suppose that is true" rachel said

" anyway who knows this might work out for the best you know help relations between us be better" sebastian said standing up.

" i doubt that" rachel said sebastian smirked.

" you really are something berry see you around" sebastian said before walking away.

rachel got up and headed out to blaine who looked worried he was pacing by his car as she walked over to him.

" is everything alright is he blackmailing you again" blaine asked

" if i tell you something you have to promise not to tell anybody and by that i mean kurt especially " rachel said

" ok" blaine said she knew she had to tell him he was worried.

" marley is dating skylar " rachel said

" skylar as in his brother" blaine asked shocked

" yep" rachel said

" woah" blaine said

" they kept it from us " rachel said

" i have met skylar he seems nice" blaine said giving her a small smile.

" you thought sebastian was nice remember " rachel said

that night

rachel was getting ready for bed when marley knocked on her door and walked in she was smiling rachel had to admit marley did seem to have a spring in her step.

" hey" rachel said

" im so excited rach i have to tell you " marley said

" tell me what" rachel asked

" this weekend skylar is taking me out on his dads boat" marley said happily.

" that sounds like fun" rachel said

" i know its taking you some getting used to but he makes me happy" marley said

" i am happy for you marls all i want is for you to be happy you dont need my approval im your big sister its part of my job description to worry about you. i can see he  makes you happy so if you want my blessing you have it i love you i dont want our relationship to be strained because of a boy" rachel said marley hugged her.

" sebastian knows" marley said

" i know" rachel said

" how" marley asked surprised.

" i was at the lima bean he came over to tell me not knowing that i already knew " rachel said

" it was so embarrassing skylar wanted to show me where he lived their house is in the middle of a wood we didnt go inside but we started kissing in his car then we both heard tapping on his window and there was sebastian stood looking amused then he saw it was me. skylar said it was the first time he had ever seen sebastian speechless." marley said

"  i bet that was something to see... blaine knows i hope you dont mind but i had to tell him he was there when sebastian came over to talk to me he thought he was blackmailing me again" rachel said

" now that you and sebastian know i dont see why others cant it was the two of you we were worried about" marley said

" well like i said i support you" rachel said

" skylar said sebastian wasnt all that happy about it" marley said

" he seemed alright with it to me" rachel said

" i think it was because skylar told him off" marley said

" wait what" rachel asked amused

" skylar told him that he cant say or do anything to you again because it might impact on our relationship i dont think sebastian tuck been told what he could and couldn't do very well" marley said

" no i cant imagine him been happy about that" rachel said

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