the reality

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its friday night and rachel has just arrived at breadstix with kurt and blaine and tina and mike as they walk in the first thing she sees is marley and skylar sat kissing.

" lets seat over here" blaine said leading her to a table.

" its going to take some getting used too" kurt said everybody had found out about them.

" lets just leave them be and enjoy our meal" rachel said

" hello there" sebastian said appearing at their booth.

" what do you live here too" kurt snapped

" i wasnt talking to you" sebastian said

" look we just want a nice meal we dont want any trouble" mike said

" if you want a nice meal why did you come to this dump" sebastian asked.

" if you dont like it here why are you here" kurt asked

" im keeping an eye on things" sebastian said

" then get back to it" kurt said

" again i didnt come over to talk to you" sebastian said

" whats going on " skylar asked as he and marley appeared at their table.

" your brother is annoying us"kurt said

" what you promised me you wouldnt" skylar said to sebastian.

" i wasnt doing anything i merely came over to say hello to rachel and kurt started pissing me off" sebastian said

" well just leave it" skylar said before taking hold of marley's hand and leading her back to their own table.

" i like him" kurt said

" whatever" sebastian said before walking away.

" skylar standing up to him he must really care about marley " blaine said


skylar was in his bedroom getting ready for bed when sebastian burst into his room looking pretty angry.

" seb" skylar said

" how dare you embarrass me infront of.... people " sebastian said

" look that wasnt my intention i just dont want anything messing up my relationship " skylar said

" dont do it again" sebastian said towering over his younger brother.

" then back off leave rachel alone marley said that once rachel got over the shock of us she has been supportive it means a lot to marley that rachel is ok with us. i wont have my own brother screwing up the best thing that as ever happened to me" skylar said

" thats just it i was trying to be supportive too i went over to say hello to rachel to be civil for your sake but kurt just irrates the crap out of me" sebastian said

" its your own doing though marley wouldnt go out with me at first because you blackmailed rachel" skylar said

" well i didnt know that you were going to end up dating her sister" sebastian said

" just Please leave the new directions alone from now on" skylar said

" fine" sebastian said walking out of the room.


rachel was at the supermarket buying groceries marley was with skylar it was today he was taking her out on his dads boat.

" we keep bumping into each other dont we" sebastian said appearing next to her as she was looking at pastas.

" no not really its more of a case you turn up" rachel said sebastian grinned.

" yeah ok but you dont mind" sebastian said

" can i help you with something " rachel asked annoyed at him turning up again.

" ooh what were you thinking of berry" sebastian asked with a smirk on his face.

" why are you here" rachel asked

" for something to nibble on" sebastian said

" i meant why are you here talking to me" rachel asked

" well it would be rude not to talk to you wouldnt it given the circumstances " sebastian said rachel sighed picked up her chosen bag of pasta and pushed her cart down the aisle only for sebastian to follow her.

" look i am being understanding about marley and skylar so just leave..." rachel started to say having stopped her cart toturn to face him.

" this isnt about them" sebastian said

" then what is it about" rachel asked confused.

" us " sebastian said

" us" rachel said even more confused.

" yeah " sebastian said

" i dont understand " rachel said

" no but you will soon... well i will leave you to get back to your shopping good day rachel " sebastian said begore turning and walking away leaving rachel confused.

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