the talk

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rachel let her and sebastian into the house marley and skylar were still kissing by his car rachel headed to the kitchen this situation needed coffee.

sebastian followed her through to the kitchen and stood silently watching her make the coffee.

" so.." rachel said handing his mug to him.

" shall we go sit down" sebastian asked

" lets go into the garden its warm in here " rachel said he nodded and followed her out they sat down on the little garden bench just outside the french doors.

" you probably think im up to something given i lied to you" sebastian said

" actually i dont think your up to anything but i know your not been honest with me" rachel said

" i didnt invite you because of marley i invited to the cabin because i... i um...i wanted you there. i enjoy being around you and i doubted that you would agree to go if i told you that" sebastian said

" yeah i probably wouldnt have" rachel said smiling trying to break the ice she had never seen sebastian like he was right now he looked nervous and that wasnt normal not for him.

" im sorry if you didnt have a great afternoon" sebastian said a minute later.

" i was uncomfortable because i wasnt sure why i was there... you didnt exactly look comfortable either" rachel said

" no i wasnt i thought you were going to yell at me for lying" sebastian said

" i thought about it" rachel said he gave her a small smile.

" i think i needto be completely honest with you" sebastian said

" ok" rachel said

" i am completely in love with you" sebastian said rachel was stunned she had expected him to admit he had feeling for her givennhow he was acting but she wasnt expecting him to come out with it like that.

" oh" rachel said she was speechless.

" everyone knows everyone saw it except you" sebastian said

" everyone" rachel asked

" sky marley my family and blaine it was him wjo tokd me you would be at the park " sebastian said

" wait what" rachel asked

" you remember at the lima bean i said about winning the ultimate prize blaine realised i was talking aboht you so he rang me later that night. i admitted everything to him but i also admitted that i never managed to get you alone long enough to tell you. so he told me that tge two of you had plans and said he would cancel hen when he did you said you would be at the park jogging so i went and waited until i saw you and accidentally on purpose bumped into you. you were still to weary of me to ask you out justvthe two of us so i thought the cabin you wont see it as a date and i get to spend time with you. i hooed that you seeing me with my family you would see im more than a bully" sebastian said

" its a lot to take in" rachel said her mind was once again flooding with thoughts.

" i know" sebastian said

" how long have" rachel stuttered

" put it this way skylar wasnt the first brother to fall for a berry. its also why i wasnt thrilled about them dating at first i thought if they did and it ended badly it would render the slim chance i had with you.  " sebastian said rachel was sat silently trying to take it all in.

" its not so crazy is it you and me we have a lot in common i know you better than you think i do. i dont just love you i respect you i admire you i want you" sebastian said rachel looked at him for a moment her heart was racing no one had ever spoken about her like that before. in that moment she knew what she wanted she leaned towards him he looked momentarily shocked but recovered and leaned in and their lips met and tgey started to kiss...

author notice

hi guys hope your enjoying this story next chapter tomorrow it might be the last chapter not sure yet.

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