Chapter 31: Good Confidence Booster, That One

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We let our lives mix with our dreams,

Like two coloured paints,

Until we didn't know which was what,

And we didn't care.

Chapter 31"Good Confidence Booster, That One"

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Chapter 31
"Good Confidence Booster, That One"

Thea's POV:

There's an exact replica of the painting I saw on the internet. With the same twisty vines, same floating women and same staff. The only thing that's different is the eyes aren't a glowing red.

Which, to put it mildly, is a relief.

"Okay, so we know what it is now, how is that going to help us?" Alex leans forward on the couch, resting her elbows on her knees as Jake rubs a hand up and down her spine.

I take a quick glance at Nick before answering, "It means that we know what she can do, what she controls and potentially what she wants. Plus, we might be able to find a weakness."

My best friend nods slowly, but doesn't look too sure of what I'm saying. To be honest, I'm not too sure about what I'm saying, but it's all we've got.

Everyone else in the room nods with her, and my chest constricts a little when Nick brushes his fingers against mine. That's the signal.

"This thing is a devine," Nick rumbles, "so we need a full proof if we even want a small chance at beating her. Thea and I have drawn up a couple of strategies in our office. Let's go!"

The two of us wait until they're all walking up the stairs, whispering amongst themselves. Everyone's here, but not everyone will come out of that study.

Nick and I are the last ones inside the study, until...

..."Nick, Thea, Martin and Jake," William speaks loudly, making sure we can all here him, "can I speak to you all for a couple of moments?"

Four nods later and we're standing outside the office door, grim lines where lips used to be and slight pain in glistening eyes.

"Ready?" Martin murmurs, hand pressed against the six locks on the door. He doesn't wait for our agreement before using six different keys to lock the study door, keeping the rest in. Keeping the humans that are close to us inside.

The banging on the door doesn't take long to start, muffled shouts screaming insults at all of us. I clear my throat, running a hand over my hair in an attempt to hide the small bursts of hurt erupting in my stomach.

"They won't be able to get out," William breathes, a small question to his voice.

I nod, "You're correct. I locked three of the door's locks before Martin did them all. That way when they think we've locked all six locks, we've only locked three."

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