CHAPTER SIX- first item?

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Aphmau's POV
Why would Zane want to join Enki's team? I hope Garroth doesn't get all emotional, they are brothers...

Gar- what are we meant to do now?
Aph- we have to find Laurence.
Gar- I still don't trust him aph, and I'm not sure you should trust him either.
Aph- he's our only option Garroth.
Gar- but Aphmau/-
Aph- go find Laurence, I'll try and break the news to everyone.
Gar- but/-
Aph- please.
Gar- ARG! Fine, you know I can't resist your puppy eyes!
Aph- go find him.

Now it's time to tell everyone...

Garroth's POV
I was walking around looking for Laurence when I spotted Zane. I hid behind a tree to see what he was doing, so I listened on his conversation with someone, it looked like Zenix.

Zane- who are we going to tell Aphmau?
Zenix- we let her figure it out herself, she's not wearing her bandana over her eyes so she has a possibility to go crazy.
Zane- what happens if she goes for one of us?
Zenix- we kill her.

I couldn't believe Zane wants to kill Aphmau... I thought he liked her. And after everything that Kawaii~chan did for him.

I continued looking for Laurence and finally found him.

Gar- Laurence.
Laurence- Garroth, Zane's gone isn't he.
Gar- Aphmau wants to speak to you.
Laurence- so Zane is gone?
Laurence- look I get he's your brother but you don't have to be hostile towards me.
Gar- come on.

Laurence came with me so that he could see Aphmau, I just hope this all works out.

Aphmau's POV
Once I had told everyone about Zane I went and sat in a log by myself, when I was interrupted by Garroth and Laurence.

Gar- Aphmau, are you alright?
Aph- yeah, just thinking.
Laurence- so do you believe me now.
Aph- yes, but then again, what good does that give you?
Laurence- I'm not helping Enki anymore.
Gar- WHAT!
Laurence- I want to help you Aphmau, I know what I did to you and Aaron was unforgivable, so I want to try and make forgivable by helping you get back with him.
Aph- how do I know you won't stab me in the back again.
Laurence- have Garroth watch my every move.
Gar- I can can do that.
Aph- ok fine, your in a tent with Garroth, tomorrow we're heading out to find a relm breaker crystal.
Laurence- that won't be necessary.

Laurence pulls something out for his pocket. A small crystal ball that was a lilac colour. A relm breaker crystal...

Hey guys, sorry it was short but I'm really tired and still need to write my other book so yeah.

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